Chapter 2

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When I wake up, I'm hungry. I don't know why but I'm really hungry. I head downstairs and see that Holzy is setting the table for breakfast. Michael has prepared some toast and eggs for us. Eliza is already downstairs. I sit at the table, humming as I wait. I don't hum anything in particular, just a tune. It helps me to concentrate. Sitting in one place isn't easy! Not for me.

Michael serves us breakfast. I eat it. It tastes different to the cereal I usually have but I eat it nonetheless. I'm hungry. As we are eating, there is a knock at the door. Michael opens the door and a very excited Edzy bounds in, shouting happily.
I cover my ears. He is way too loud! I hate it. I want it to stop! I stand up and angrily thrust my fist at him. He starts to cry. I don't even realise that two other people had entered. Zed and Bonzo. As Eliza tries to diffuse the situation, Zed leans against the wall and casually says "Hey Eliza."
She stops. She didn't realise he was there.
"When did you get here?" She asks.
"I came in with Edzy. I brought him up to your house."
"Oh...could you help?"
Zed takes Edzy upstairs to calm down. Eliza makes me sit and eat my breakfast. I don't want to eat anymore.

When I'm done, Edzy comes back downstairs.
"Quiet Edzy." Holzy tells him. Bonzo sits on the sofa with Zed and Eliza. He says something to her. I don't hear.
"Oh... That's my little sister, Bonzo. Her name is Liz. Which is confusing because sometimes people call me Liz."
"You have a little sister?" Zed asked.
"Well, she's being fostered. I thought I went over this with you."
Zed shakes his head.

Bonzo seems interested in me. He wants to hang out I think. I don't want to though. I want to play my guitar and chew my bracelet.

After a while, I let Bonzo come up to me. He seems nice enough. He introduces himself even though I already know his name. He chats to me for a while but it's a one-sided conversation because I left my phone upstairs. He mainly talks about art and music - two of my favourite things! I like him. He's similar to me in a way or two.

Zed isn't as good. He's noisy and talks about football all the time. And he plays noisy games with Edzy. He tries to play with me but I don't want to play. I don't like being touched - I said that last chapter didn't I?
But he took it a step further and tickled me!!! That is unacceptable! I scream at him. I wriggle and squirm and try to get free. He doesn't stop! He wants me to suffer!
Then, Holzy and Micheal come into the room and tell him off.
"Don't do that Zed! She doesn't like it! Do it to Edzy instead! Leave her alone!" Holzy snaps.
"Sorry Mrs Zambi..." He replies.
"It's okay Zed. Just don't do that in the future okay? She doesn't like it!"
"Okay, Mrs Zambi."


We have pasta for lunch. I don't like the tomato sauce that Holzy used. It's too...tomato-ish. I don't like it. I don't eat it.
"Liz? Why aren't you eating your pasta?"
I run upstairs and grab my phone. Then I type "I don't like it!"
She takes it back to the kitchen.
"What do you like?"She asks "Sandwiches? A different pasta? Soup?"
"I want bread."I type.
"Just bread?" she asks, surprised.
"Just bread!"I type.
Holy gives me some bread. I eat it hungrily.

After we eat, Holzy send us all outside for some 'fresh air'.
"You too!"She says to Eliza, Bonzo and Zed.
Reluctantly, they head outside.

We play soccer for a while. It's fun. It's nice to run around for a bit - not stuck in the stuffy indoors. I hate being inside for that long.
It is fun. That's until Zane and Izzy turn up. Then they begin to shout at Zed and Eliza. Izzy turns her attention to Bonzo and backed him into a corner. Eliza and Zed are too busy arguing to notice.
"Zon! Zon!" Bonzo screams
Zane and Izzy both turn their attention to him now. Nobody does anything.  So I throw myself at Izzy, knocking her to the ground.  I'm much bigger and stronger than she is despite us being the same age. I easily stop her. Zed does the same to Zane.
By the time Holzy and Michael come outside, the bullies are gone. Everything is fine again. Everything is alright.

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