Chapter 14

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(Liz's PoV)

Cold, so very cold. I awoke. I was dripping with sweat. The voice in my head was still giving me a hard time!
"You're a beast Liz. You're feral Lizzie!"
"No I'm not!" I say in my head.

In reality all I do is breath heavily and make "Nnnny!!!" noises. I'm mute! It's so annoying! At least I can communicate with the stupid voice in my head...

I sigh and get out of bed. I look in the mirror briefly and jump out of my skin... There it is... The beast. I blink but it doesn't go away. It's my genuine reflection.... That scares me.

I go into the bathroom and wash my face. It's practically morning. I brush my teeth and get dressed before doing my hair. I put it up in a messy bun.

"Liz. I'm here Liz. I want you to do something very specific" The voice in my head says.

"What do you want now!?"
At least that's what I think I said... In reality I said "Wwwyyyy!!?" which just attracted unwanted attention from my sister.

Eliza rushed over.

"What's up, Liz? Is that upcoming concert making you nervous? You don't have to go if you don't want."

I nod, even though that's not the reason.

"Liz. I want you to..." The voice starts but gets interrupted by my little brother, Edzy.

"Lizzie! Why do you get to be up at silly o'clock and I'm not allowed!? It's not fair!" He whines before Eliza puts him back to bed.

The voice in my head scowls.

"I want you to..."It begins.

"Lizzie I think you should go back to bed sweetheart, it's 3am!"

The voice gets even more frustrated as I climb into bed.


I know it's all in my head but... I feel like I need to.... I'm... Compelled to....

I fight the urge to do it. I want to be free, I want revenge. But I have a family...I'm loved... And I don't want to break Eliza's heart again. She was so scared and upset when it happened last time! It would pain me to do that to her again.


When morning arrives, I get back out of bed and look in the mirror. The beast is still there... In my reflection....

I look up and realise Eliza is in the doorway. She can see the reflection too, and she's terrified.

"What are you Liz?" She asks timidly.

I shrug. I don't know the answer to that question...

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