Chapter 4 (Diary Extract)

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(this chapter is Eliza's PoV since it's an extract from her diary)

Dear Diary,
I hate humans. It's the simple truth. In fact here is a list of creatures I hate to creatures I like/love/tolarate. Number 1 is the thing I hate the most and 5 is the thing I like the most. (hope that makes sense)

1. Humans
2. Vampires
3. Aliens
4. Werewolves
5. Zombies

Another list of people I hate to people I can barely tolerate.

1.Any human
2.Any member of the Z-patrol
3. Dale (fits in the 1st and 2nd cartography but especially Dale.)
4. Bucky
5. Jimmy
8. Goldie

Top 5 reasons I hate humans:
1. They killed my dad
2. They kidnapped me (sort of) *
3. They killed my grandad
4. They treat us like animals
5. They torment us all the time

*technically humans can take zombies out of ZombieTown without permission because 'It's the law'. They still took me away from my home when I was 13.

How did they kill my dad?
My father was protesting for zombie rights in the early 2010s. He was right at the front of the protest. When the Z-patrol came, he was one of the first to be shot down. My mother and I witnessed the whole event... I didn't understand what was going on when it happened but one moment my dad was marching and shouting, the next I heard a bang and he fell over... I tried desperately to wake him up that day. I was only 3 or 4. I would run straight to him. They would have shot me to if it hadn't have been for my mother bravely getting in the way. The shot didn't kill her but it injured her.

They killed my grandfather as well. My father was just a young lad. He was maybe 3 or 4 maybe 5 at the time. They were both zombified. My grandfather and my father. They soon forgot there own names. My grandfather simply went by Z. Just Z. He was the first zombie to be zombified. The humans experimented on him endlessly. They wanted to find a cure for zombies. But it is... A mutation? That's still being debated. But it is incurable. He was the first to try out a small device that they would attach to a zombie's ear. It would shock them. It worked a little bit. That's were the inspiration for the z-band came from. The thing was, if it was too strong it wouldn't work, if it was too weak, it wouldn't work. One day, Z escaped to see his son. When Z did escape every single human man (and a few woman) were looking for him. They found him feral. More feral than before. Apparently, the mutation got worse... It turned him into a full beast - a full zombie. It did that even with the pulses of his ear device. He only got worse from there...he'd stop eating unless it was the real deal. He wouldn't speak anymore. He stopped doing everything, except for eating, he'd eat and eat and eat if he was given the chance to attack a human. And nobody knows why his mutation worsened. Was it something wrong with the device? Something in his brain? In fact... He was kind of like I was when my band got hacked...he didn't respond to anything. He just fought and ate.

That's why I hate humans. Humans are terrible! (Sorry to any humans reading my diary... You shouldn't be reading it if you are!)

I'm serious! Stop reading my diary! Anyone reading this must put this book down immediately! Or continue onto the next chapter! You wouldn't want to stay on this chapter.

I can see you! You're still there! Go to the next chapter! Now! - - - - - >

I said now!!!!! - - - > (turn the page)

😜Go away! - - - - >

Comment '🔚' if you got to the end of the chapter without giving up and going to the next chapter or closing the book.
Now seriously - - - - >

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