Chapter 12

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I have another dream. In this dream, I'm drifting out to sea. I'm a long way away from the icy terrain in my last dream. I'm surviving on fish and any other aquatic creatures I can kill and eat. I don't know why but I feel... Peaceful. I feel like this setting is where I should be. The sea carries me away to a little beach. This, I know to be Seabrook.

I see the humans on the beach but non of the notice me. They all go home. Then the dream ends and I wake up. I don't want it to end, I want to understand!


In real life, I get up. My head hurts and I can hear the voice in my head taunting me. It tells me it's going to punish me... Whatever that means. How can it punish me!? It's just a voice! It doesn't have a body!

I can hear my big sister downstairs. She's talking to Zed. I can't hear what they are saying. I creep downstairs and I can hear them talking about the concert... The one that's today...
We are meant to be preforming at the Zombie Mash... In a few hours!

I'm so nervous that I almost forget about the voice and my dreams. I grab my breakfast then leave the house in search of Bonzo.


I find him with Bree. He's talking to her in Zombie Tongue. I'm not very good at understanding Zombie Tongue. Eliza tried to teach me but I can't remember what means what.

"Lizzska!" He says.
That is the one word I do understand. I smile warmly at him and he takes out his latest art project. It's beautiful! It's so colourful. I can't help but stare in awe.
I get my phone from my pocket.
"We have a concert at 4." I type.
Bonzo nods. Then, he takes out his tuba and starts practicing our new song.

"You do? Oh, I am definitely coming to the Zombie Mash today!" Bree squeals.
Bonzo chuckles and continues to practice. Just his music alone is amazing.


Before I know it, I'm backstage. I grip my guitar. What if everyone hates me now!? What if they hate our band because of me!?
Eliza can see that I'm worried.
"Liz? You okay? I know you're nervous... So am I... But you need to get through this... Two songs... That's all."
I nod. We are called onto stage. Everyone stares at me as if they expect me to transform again. I don't. I almost mess up my cords though. All thanks to the stupid voice in the back of my head! It wants me to fail! I'm sure of it!

Luckily, in the second song, when me and Vanna do our duet, I don't mess up. I do it perfectly! And in solo, I am almost perfect! Maybe people don't hate me after all... Maybe they still love our band.

Maybe... Just maybe... Everything is going to get better...
Maybe... We'll succeed... And if we don't... At least we'll have fun trying...

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