Chapter 3

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I wake up early the next morning.  Zed's girlfriend is coming over. Her name is Addison. She's good friends with Eliza. She's bringing her friends with her too. Bree and Goldie. Goldie is 12 and Bree is 17.
Goldie was the one who started the trouble a few months ago. It was supposed to be harmless fun but Goldie took it too far. She landed Eliza in Zombie Imprisonment! It was only for two weeks. And she didn't mean to though. Wyatt (Eliza's boyfriend) is still mad at Goldie. Eliza isn't too mad anymore though. Just a little frustrated that she took off her band without her permission.

Addison arrives early on in the afternoon.  She seems really nice. I like her. Bree arrives with her. Bree is a bit timid but she seems nice and she isn't noisy. Goldie however is loud. When she enters the room, I feel kind of lightheaded. I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach. I...I think I have a crush on Goldie. She is really pretty. And she seems nice.

Eliza and Addison sit in the living room and, Goldie and Bree stay in the kitchen. Goldie and Bree talk to each other. They occasionally bring up the tag incident. Then they quickly change the subject.

I get bored so I start to type on my phone.
"Hi Goldie, Hi Bree." I type.
"Hey!"They say.
"What are you talking about?"
"Nothing in particular," Bree says. She leans against the wall casually. Goldie plays with her hair. 
"Do you like music?"
"Yeah!" Goldie says, "Like Obvs!"
"What music?"
"Guitar! And dance! And EDM! OMG! I love music so much!"
"I have a guitar." I type.
"Can you play it?"
"Well?" She laughs.
"Show me!" She says excitedly.

I lead her upstairs. The fluttering in my heart gets worse and worse as I go upstairs.
I start to sweat. I pick up my guitar and breath deeply. Then I begin to play. I get lost in the music. Consumed by the rythm. By the time I'm done, I forget that Bree and Goldie were even there in the first place! I put down my guitar.
"Bravo!" Shouts Bree, happily.
"WOW! That was soooo like... Wow!"
"Thank you." I type, "It wasn't that good though. I was just warming up..."
"That was you warming up?" Goldie asks, "What's the real deal like!?"

I start to play my guitar again. It sounds amazing. Well... I suppose anything from my guitar would sound amazing to me. Goldie seems to be in a trance. She has a faraway staryeyed look that suggests she's listening deeply. I don't really pay much attention to Bree since she doesn't seem to be enjoying it as much as Goldie. And I have to keep my attention on the guitar. I once again get lost in my music and my rythm. I don't even realise when Goldie has moved and placed her hand on my shoulder. I don't hear when she squeals with delight. I don't see when Addison and Eliza enter the room. I don't realise it when soon enough, Bonzo is back and playing his Tuba. I don't notice when Addison starts playing her keyboard. Or when the music fits together perfectly without me even trying. Or when Eliza starts singing. It sounds like we've practiced (we really haven't, I don't even know any of these people that well)

Goldie and Bree are entranced by our beautiful music. Bree almost starts to cry!

I suppose that thats how I created 'Peace'. Not only peace for our species and acceptance for monsters but the various disabilities and difficulties we each have to face. Peace should be a safe space. Not just a band but a place where people can feel safe. A place NO BULLIES can enter. I say NO BULLIES in capitals because that's exactly what  I wrote on my door (To clarify that's on a sign that I hang from my door and not on the actual door). My room is where we'll practice so if I find any bullies in there, they will be kicked out! These are the early days of peace. They are fun and happy, not quite as intense or stressful as the later days when have concerts every weak and world tours practically once every few years. I liked this Peace. I didn't really like what was to become of it when it got bigger...

Author's note

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