Chapter 5

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(Back to Liz's PoV)

Peace started with just the four of us - me, Eliza, Addison and Bonzo. We'd preform in the park, on the beach, anywhere really. Any money we got from performances got split between the four of us. Usually, Eliza would try to give hers to me and Addison would refuse any pay but me and Bonzo insisted they had their fair share (well, Bonzo did most of the insisting, I just nodded my head in agreement because I never have my phone on me)

After a few weeks of running our band, Wyatt wanted to join. Of course we let him. And he could play! He played the drums. He sounded amazing on those drums. Paired with the keyboard and guitar as well as Eliza's singing we sounded amazing! Eliza was writing new songs for us each week and we were getting good at some of them. My favourite was called 'Having a real bad day'. It was a funny song. I liked it.

~You wake up
And bang your head
Wish you were still
Fast asleep in your bed,
Try to go downstairs
But you stub your toe
And it really hurts
And it makes you real slow~

That one was Wyatt's song. He was being silly when he wrote it but it actually turned out pretty good. Everyone loved it.

~Cos you're having
A real bad day
Nothing is gonna
Go your way
Cos you're having
A real bad day
And if they ask what's wrong
You're just gonna say
"I'm okay"

Make a coffee
And spill it on your shirt
And it burns you
It really hurt! ~

Right now, we've just finished a performance. It was on the beach. The tide is starting to come in so the others are helping Wyatt pack up his drum set before it gets ruined by the water. I just sit on the bench. I hold my guitar. I relaxe. Just fully relax. I listen to the sea breaze and smell the salty air. Ever since I came to Seabrook, the beach has been my safe space, my haven.

I arrived in Seabrook a few years ago. I was 9? 10 perhaps? I don't remember. I don't really know how I got here. My vision was blurry and I couldn't walk. I had been washed up at sea - barely alive. I looked like a zombie but that might have been because I half-drowned at sea. But I had the iconic green zombie hair and I was... Aggressive... It's the only way to describe my behaviour. They gave me a Z-band as the last resort and it worked. But I wasn't from Seabrook... And there aren't zombies anywhere else in the world...where did I come from? Where are there zombies elsewhere?
The strangest thing about me is that I have green hair exept for a stripe of ginger in the centre. One of my eyes are green, the other is a bloodshot red. When I first arrived here, people assumed it was red since it was swollen or I had gotten salt water in it at sea. I'm tall for my age but that isn't really strange. I'm about 7"2. It isn't entirely unheard of a girl that tall. The strangest thing about it is that I seem to grow when I get upset. Like not just seem... But I do... I grow... I tower over the person who upsets me. It's a strange feeling when I get upset. I can't see... I can't hear...everyone and everything is blocked out. I just feel... Isolated from everything that goes on. I go into a blind rage...I attack everything and everyone in my path. Until I can calm down, I'm a... A... Danger... To everyone...
The best way for me to calm down is just leaving me alone. Most of the time people try to chase me or restrict my movements. It doesn't help. I just get worse. It's scary... I don't know what I am! I don't think I'm a zombie... I'm definitely not human or a werewolf. I'm certainly not an alien or a vampire...

What am I? What could I possibly be!?

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