Chapter 11

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I fall asleep after a long day. Everyone seemed to still enjoy being around me. Nobody said anything nasty or anything. Yet I feel... Horrible! I feel like they should be afraid of me! At least that stupid voice hasn't come back! It's so annoying! It keeps telling me to do things that will get me in trouble! And worst of all... I keep almost believing it! She... It... Whatever it is... Keeps telling me I'm a failure... I'm not supposed to be here... I'm... Wild...

But I'm not! I don't know exactly what I am... I honestly don't care! But if there is one thing I am not, it's a wild animal! I have a family! I have a home! I have a sister who loves me with all her heart! And I have a band full of friends! I am not an animal!


I wake up. I'm in a dream. I'm on the ice. Where abouts am I?
I'm that beast... The scary one... The one I have no control over. I look around to see the ocean and many other creatures like me all swimming and playing on the ice. Then, I see a huge, fluffy one coming towards me. I want to be scared but this is a dream and... I feel compelled to go towards it...
It licks me throughly and rests me in it's fur. I sort of enjoy cuddling up to it. Then, I have a thought... Is this dream... Actually a memory? Is this dream trying to tell me who I actually are!? Will it tell me how I got to Seabrook!? Oh, I hope so!

Suddenly, I hear footsteps...Human footsteps...
My mother (I assume she's my mother) stands up, turns around and drops me into the ocean for safety. I drift away, slowly. Slowly, I watch the family I used to know be shot down. Slowly, I watch the humans tie my dead mother to their sled. Slowly, I begin to wake up. I fight to stay asleep. I can't wake up at a time like this! I gasp as water fills my lungs and I begin to loose consciousness. It's no hope...I going to wake up. And dream-me is going to drown. I hope this isn't accurate. Maybe it wasn't a memory at all... Just a dream... It was just a dream!

I wake up. I'm sweating but I'm cold. My blanket is tied around my legs and my pillow has slipped down to my stomach. I try to fall asleep but I can't go back to sleep. My body doesn't want me to finish the dream.
Then, I hear the voice in my head.
"It wasn't a dream, Liz. It was a memory. I remember it can too if you just... Transform again..."
"I don't want to! It will put everything in danger!"
"They took mama away from us though! Humans deserve it!"
"What about the zombies!? And the werewolves! Eliza would be devastated if I accidentally hutrt Wyatt! Imagine if I kill him! Or worse! What if I kill my sister!? No! I am not transforming! I am my own person and you are a fragment of my imagination!"
"I'll make sure you have more dreams like that! If I can't convince you... The dreams will!"
And with that I'm left with my own thoughts. The voice sort of shuts up for a while. It's kind of peaceful without it. I smile. Finally it's gone! But not for long...

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