Chapter 13

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(Nobody in particulars PoV)

Liz jumped up and down excitedly, almost bashing her guitar on Wyatt's drum kit.
"Careful!" Eliza warned.
"Eeeeeeeeeee!" Liz squealed.
"Why are you so excited all of a sudden?" Eliza asked.
Eliza watched as Liz's eyes sparkled with joy and her body bounced with excitement. She could feel the energy radiating from her sister. Eliza smiled.

"Why are you so excited all of a sudden?" she gently asked, hoping to uncover the source of Liz's boundless enthusiasm. Liz took a moment to gather herself, her hands strumming the guitar strings rhythmically.

Liz turned towards Eliza, her eyes brimming with excitement. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, swiftly scribbling down a message. Eliza eagerly leaned in, trying to decipher Liz's words. The message read (in slightly messy writing), "We got invited to perform at a big concert!"
"That's brilliant Liz! When!? Where!?" Wyatt asked excitedly.
"Zay!" Bonzo exclaimed.
Liz thumbled with the pen before dropping it and instead taking out her phone and typing up "It's in New York City!!! Next month!" and allow her text to speech to read it out for her.

Eliza and Wyatt exchanged wide-eyed glances at each other before turning their attention back to Liz. The mention of New York City and a big concert had just heightened their excitement even further.

"We're going to perform in New York City!" Eliza exclaimed, her voice filled with amazement. It was a dream come true for all of them, and the significance of the opportunity began to sink in.

Wyatt's drumsticks slipped from his grip, clattering against the floor as his hands shot up in celebration. "New York City! Can you believe it? We're going to rock that stage!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm echoing through the room.

Addison, who was a talented keyboardist, leaned forward, her eyes shining. "New York City! This is our chance to showcase our unique blend of music to a whole new audience," she said, her fingers itching to play the keys.

A-spen, the enigmatic alien bassist, nodded in agreement. "Our music will transcend boundaries and captivate the audience. It's a thrilling opportunity to share our intergalactic melodies," he said, his voice resonating with excitement.

"Yeah... What A-Spen said!" agreed Vanna.

Bonzo, let out a low growl of excitement, drumming on the nearest surface with his undead fingers in anticipation. Although his speech was limited (mostly to Zombie Tongue and a few simple English words), his enthusiasm and love for music were undeniable.

"A big concert in New York City? This is the perfect stage for us to unleash our electrifying sound upon the world. I can't wait to see the crowd's reactions," Vanna said, her fingers itching to play some killer riffs.

Liz watched her bandmates' reactions, feeling a mix of elation and nerves. Her excitement was evident in the way her body rocked back and forth, her fingers twitching with anticipation. She knew this would be a monumental moment for their band, and she couldn't wait to share their music with a larger audience.

However, beneath her excitement, Liz also felt a sense of apprehension. The noise and chaos of a big concert could potentially overwhelm her sensitive sensory system. The sudden changes in routine and the pressure of performing perfectly could be overwhelming for her autism. It might even make her tourettes worse! She knew she would have to navigate these challenges with the support of her bandmates. They had always been understanding and accommodating, and she trusted that they would continue to be there for her.

Eliza, sensing Liz's mixed emotions, reached out and gently squeezed her sister's hand. Liz looked at Eliza, and with a small smile on her face, she nodded. Eliza understood. They had faced challenges before, and they would face them together.

Liz typed out on her phone, "It's going to be amazing!" She held up her phone and let the text-to-speech app speak the words out loud.

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