Chapter 8

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(This is the same events as chapter 7 but from Jimmy's PoV so you can get more of an idea of what happened)

Monday was a normal day. I woke up late, took forever getting dressed and hoped into my car to go to school. Of course, I skived my classes. Everything was going good... until lunch time.

I had met up with my gang and then we all split off to find some kids to bully. I was retaking the last grade since I failed. This was my third year as an 11th grader! I was bored! So I walked up to the table I usually go to and started throwing remarks and comments about.
"You're really selfish Bucky! Oh and Addison! You try way too hard. You're too perfect! You're a showoff - both off you!"
Then I turned to the Zombie kids.
"Oh... Zed! Where do I even start! You're so dumb! And that Bonzo is so weird! What kind of a name is Bonzo!?!"
Now I was shouting.
"Oh and Eliza, you're such a nerd. You carry that laptop everywhere! I don't know how Mr Hairy-Wolf likes you! Well... You're not too different actually! You're both really ugly!"
I turned to Bree.
"Bree, you're such a dork! You're so awkward!"
Then I spotted someone else. A new target. I pushed through to get to her. She was a little kid - no older than 12 or 13! She was a perfect victim!
I tried to think of something mean to say. It wasn't too difficult giving that she was practically one of the easiest kids to bully in the school! She was so young and weak!

"Hey baby! What you think you're doing!? Coming into high-school like that?! Walking in like you own the place!?" I said,a smirk on my face.
She didn't respond. I plucked the phone out of her hands. She squealed and tried to take it back. I laughed and picked her up. I pretended she was a baby.
I started to rock her like a baby! It was so much fun...until it wasn't...

By now, Eliza was yelling at me. I ignored her. Zed tried to tackle me to the ground but, with the Z-band still on, he was a weakling. He was no match for me!
That's when I felt my arms collapse and I let go of the child I'd been bulling. She suddenly felt a whole lot heavier. I looked back at her and realised she'd grown to be over ten feet tall! How did that happen!? I was so confused! She didn't look the same anymore... She had big sharp teeth and had sprouted long, tough fur - fur that looked (and probably felt) like spikes. She had huge claws and her eyes were now both blood red. Her fur (if you could call it fur) was ginger with green tips. She stood and stared at me for a long time. Time I should have used to run away from her! But I was too dumb to move. I was almost stuck to the floor in fear! I just stood there in shock like an idiot! Then, she roared at me. It was so loud! I screamed (for the record it was not like a little girl, it was like a man) and ran through the cafeteria. It was terrifying!

She seemed to keep growing! By the time she had caught me, she was almost too big to fit in the corridor. The pain registered as she bit through me. It hurt! A lot! I don't really know what she did since I was closing my eyes tightly and trying to block everything out. All I know is it hurt!

Suddenly, I heard a shot. It was a gun!
I looked up and saw a Z-patrol officer holding a gun. Then, I realised it was a gun loaded with tranquilliser darts. He had just saved my life. Of course, I was still bleeding. I was gonna bleed to death if somebody didn't help me soon! I was so scared! I almost... couldn't breathe...

The last thing I know before I totally blacked out was that the Z-patrol was frantically running around, trying to remove the ever-growing beast from the school. I heard sirens from an ambulance and felt my self be picked up. Then, I lost all senses and blacked out...

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