Chapter 6

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It's our first proper concert today. It's at the Zombie Mash. I'm nervous... I don't know why...
I clutch my guitar as we wait backstage. The band 'Undead' are currently playing. They are really popular with everyone. I'm scared people aren't gonna like our music...

Vanna joined our band a short while back. She's good at electric guitar and her addition really improved some of our songs. Especially, the songs that are really upbeat.  She's amazing. All of my friends are amazing... At least I think they're my friends... They act like my friends...
A-spen joined too and they are brilliant at bass. They are almost as good as me.
Eliza whispers to me.
"Liz! We're on next! Get ready!"
I peer around the curtains separating backstage and the stage. There are loads of people - some humans as well - on the dance floor. And loads more around the side. I start to feel light-headed. I can see Goldie and Bree near the front of the crowd around the dance floor. I'm nervous.

I go back to my guitar and sit down. I want to cry. I want to go home. I grab my phone.
"I can't do it!" I type.
I look over at Bonzo. He has the same nervous look on his face. Eliza looks a little scared but... As far as I can tell, only me and Bonzo are nervous.
"You can do this!" Addison encourages.
"Do your best. That's the thing that counts!" Eliza says.
"You are gonna do great! In fact, We are all gonna do amazingly!" Vanna says.
"The world won't know what hit it! We are gonna be famous in no time!" Wyatt adds.

We all high-five. It's nearly time for us to go on. Zack - Eliza's half-friend, half-enemy or frenenemy - works the lights. He gives us all a thumbs up to go on.
"Good luck!"
I close my eyes and walk onto stage with my friends. It isn't a proper stage
...its more of a platform. But to me it is a stage. A stage hundreds of zombies, humans, werewolves, vampires and aliens and whatever else are watching.

Wyatt starts the drums. Soon after the bass starts. Then the keyboard. Then the electric guitar. Bonzo starts his trombone and I begin my guitar. Then Eliza starts singing. It sounds awesome. Everyone loves it. Part way through the first song, my stage fright melts away and I get consumed by the music.

At the end of the first song, we take a short two minute break whilst Bonzo switches instruments to a ukulele. We play a slightly sad, slower tune with a deeper message. Everyone loves that too. Eliza sounds even better singing
the slower songs than the faster songs.

To finish off our preformance, Bonzo does a rap for us. He does it perfectly to the drum beat and instruments. The rap has a really deep meaning. Of course, it is in Zombie Tongue so most of the humans don't understand it but the zombies all cheer him on.

When we are done, we go backstage to the noise of a crowd full of cheering people. Everyone loved us! I feel amazing! I hope we can do another concert soon!

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