Chapter 10

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The next day at school everyone avoids me. Even Bonzo, the person who spends practically all his free time painting and playing music with me- is suddenly busy! Even Eliza seems a bit scared of me. I do notice one thing- nobody says anything about my age. Nobody points out that I should be in middle school and nobody tries to bully me. I think they're... Scared... Of me...

'You need to give them a reason to be scared!' The voice in my head says.
'Thanks to you, they have a reason!' I shoot back.
'Oh, but that wasn't me. You awakened me. In fact, Jimmy brought you to the breaking point - Jimmy awakened me.'
'I don't care who made you come out but I know one thing for certain! You. Are. Not. Me!'
'We are one person. We are Liz.'
'I am Liz!' I correct, 'You're the voice in my head!'

Suddenly, I realise everyone is staring at me. I'd started breathing heavily and making noises when I was trying to talk to this 'voice' in my head. I'm shaking and clicking my fingers - trying to stop the voice from telling me it's me - from manipulating me! I need to move! Now! But I can't... I'm stuck here until 3pm! I shut up and try to breathe properly and normally.
Eliza sees me.
"What happened?" She mouths.
"I..."I mouth back. I can't get any further than I. Party because I don't know how to form words and party because I'm not sure what to tell her - That I'm crazy? That I was talking to an evil version of myself? That I was convincing this voice it wasn't part of me!? I stay silent.
"Tell me later."She mouths," At home."
I nod. I don't want to tell her but it will be strange to ignore her or refuse. I... Don't know what I'm gonna tell her. Maybe she'll laugh at me? Maybe she'll tell mum and dad!? Maybe she'll... Call the Z-patrol!? I don't want them locking me up!
What if I transform again? What if Jimmy comes back and hurts me for real this time!? What if I transform into the beast and never go back to my human(ish) form!?!? That thought scares me. I don't think it's to do with my band. The Z-patrol probably can't help me! They'll probably just send me to imprisonment! They don't care if I aren't a zombie!


As soon as I hear the bell ring, I dash out of class.
"The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" I hear the teacher yell.
I ignore him. I need to go. I don't know where. Not home. Eliza will want to know about the voice in my head. The otherside of Liz...

I run down the street. Suddenly, I bump into a child. She looks up at me, beaming. It's Zoey! She's only a few years younger than me. Maybe she could help with... Everything. Maybe she's had a voice in her head telling her to do horrible things. Maybe... Just maybe...She'll understand...
I grab my phone and explain my situation to Zoey. When I'm done she looks at me, looks at my phone then at my Z-band.
"Are you a zombie?"
I think about the question for a long time. I honestly don't know!
"I... I... Don't know... Maybe..."
"You don't know?" She asks.
"How don't you know?"
"I don't remember. All I remember is washing up on the beach, half-drowned and feral. I don't remember any before that. I don't even know how I managed to end up in the sea!"
"Oh... Have you talked to Eliza?"
"I... Don't want her to worry!"
"Talk to her. Sometimes I have to tell Zed what's wrong even if it'll get me into trouble. I once had to tell my big brother I was play Monster Tag will Willow, Luna, Edzy and Vinnie! That was scary!"
"Yeah... But... This is more serious! I... I'm going insane! And I... I... Don't know how to put this but..."I type out.
"But what!?" Says a voice. It wasn't Zoey, but Eliza!
"How much of our conversation did you hear?" I ask timidly.
"Enough to hear that you're hearing voices and you got washed up on the beach. And you're probably not a zombie!" She replies. She sounds stern but not unkind. She sounds almost sympathetic.
"Why didn't you tell me?"She asks.
"I was too scared to tell you! I don't want you to worry! You've got enough of that with Edzy!"
"Well... What don't you know how to put?"
I gulp. I don't want to say this in front of my sister. Or Zoey for that matter. And especially not Addison or Bree.
"I... I.. I... Think..."
"Go on... You think what?"
"I... Think... I think that I might have a taste for it!"
"I think I might have a taste for humans now... I can't stop thinking about it! It left the taste of blood in my mouth and now I want it again! But I don't... She does... The voice... The feral part of me... The... Beast!"

I can’t believe I just said that! It's true though... And I suppose it's better to spill it to Eliza then Officer Dale and Officer Sus...*Sorry, It's Gus, isn't it*

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