Chapter 9

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(Back to Liz's PoV)
I wake up... I don't know where I am...
Then, I realise I'm in ZombieTown. The zombies were evacuated into Seabrook. I suppose ZombieTown is the biggest cage they had.

By now, I'm almost one hundred feet tall. I'm beginning to calm down but... I'm... Scared...
What did I do!? I have the taste of blood in my mouth! I... I... Almost... Enjoy it...
No! This can't happen! I won't let it happen! I've got to get to my... More functional... Less scary beast form...
I... Don't... Know... How...
I hate Jimmy! He's the one who did this to me! I know he is!

I hear a familiar voice in the distance! It's Addison! I like Addison... Don't I? I can't remember! I can barely remember who I am... Nevermind if someone is gonna be good to me or not! I... I can't trust her yet... She's got to earn it...
She approaches. I snarl at her... I still don't have control yet... Something else is controlling me... Something else is taking over!
Addison jumps back in suprise.
"Liz? You there? Can you hear me? Do you understand?" She says. Her voice is shaky and small. I don't understand her. I just know that her tone sounds scared... If she's scared... Is she...
'No! She is not food!' I tell myself.
'But she looks so tasty!' The voice in my head says.
'I'm her friend!'
'What about the times she let Eliza down!? What about when she couldn't help you with Jimmy!?'
'She likes me! She's my friend! She's in my band!'
'She's using you!'

I almost believe it... But I fight back! Both physically resisting attacking her and mentally telling myself she's not to be attacked.
'What...what are you doing to me!? Why are you making me like this?' I shoot back at the voice.
'Because I'm you! We are the same person! And we are beasts!'
'You might be... But I'm not!'

Our conversation is interupted by someone. It isn't Addison though. She'd ran off already... It's Eliza.

"Liz! Oh Lizzie! I'm sorry! Come back! Don't hurt anyone! I want you to be your old self again! The one that played music forever and didn't care when things went wrong! The one that loved everyone! This isn't you! You're not a wild beast!"
She was... Crying.
"I promise I'll be nice to you! I'll play soccer and sing and do anything you want! I'll never touch you again! And I'll make sure Jimmy never comes near you ever again!"

Before I know it, she's dashed past the officers guarding the gate.
"Hey! Don't go near that thing!" One of them shouts.
"Come back here, kid! It's too dangerous!" Adds another.
"But mum... She's... She's my sister!"

"I know sweetheart... But you've got to leave her alone... She's too dangerous! It's not worth it!"

Eliza ignores her. She runs up to me and hugs me tightly. She is crying and desperatly whispering for me to turn back to normal. Suddenly, I feel myself begin to shrink. I close my eyes and allow led myself to return to my normal form. The damage had been done but at least everyone was safe now.


I take a few hours to calm down before returning to my guitar.
Luckily, I had left it at home!

I sit on my bed and play music by myself. Then, Eliza comes in.

"Do you think you could play that lullaby on your guitar?" she askes.
I know which one she wants
I nod. She sits on a beanbag next to it. She sings along to the lullaby. Then, she just relaxes and listens to the tune. We chill there. Just me and her. I am so glad to be back home. So glad to be normal again!
Soon, I fall asleep. I dream about our upcoming preformance at the Zombie Mash. Would people be scared of me!? Would they not like us anymore because of what happened!? Would people stay away from me!? I tossed and turned all night. The voice in my head had awakened and it wasn't going to go away! I... I don't like it and I don't know how to get rid of it! I wish that little voice goes away! I hope that never happens again!

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