Chapter 7

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I'm starting to get worried. I've been moved to high-school because I am way too smart for the class I'm currently in. The thing is that is where Jimmy is... He's the biggest bully in Seabrook...
He's gonna hate me! I'm... Scared!


I sit in a chair next to Eliza. I've been moved to Eliza's year! She is almost in college!!! I'm only 13 and in a few months I'm going to college! I'm super nervous!
The teacher gives us equations to do. They are pretty easy - just a few questions on algebra. I ace them in only about 5 or 10 minutes. Then he gives us more questions. These are on calculous. They are slightly confusing but I manage. We are given an hour for the first two questions but I finish in 45 minutes. I sit at my desk - pretty bored - for the remaining 15 minutes.
Of course, I got the answers right! I must have a super high IQ. I've never done a test but I'll guess it's over Einstein's IQ level! I'm like... super smart! It almost scares me how much I know. If only my brain would let me voice all this knowledge! For now, I suppose notebooks will do!

After mathematics is over, I go to lunch with Eliza and her friends. They introduce me to anyone who doesn't yet know me and we get lunch. Lunch time is pretty boring. I eat my lunch and listen to Zed and Zack talking endlessly about football. Then Eliza starts going on and on about math class and programming. Of course, Addison and Bucky have to discuss cheerleading too! Even Bonzo speaks about his music and art. It's super annoying not being able to join in. It's boring almost! I wish I could just speak! It would be so much help!

Then something exciting happens. Jimmy comes up to the table. He starts on his usual remarks about how Bucky is selfish and Addison is 'too perfect' and how Zed is 'so dumb' and Bonzo is 'weird'. He tells everyone in the cafeteria that Eliza is a nerd and Bree is a dork.

Then, he spots me. I look like a little kid amongst all the soon-to-be-adults surrounding me. So he decides to pick on me.
"Hey baby! What you think you're doing!? Coming into high-school like that?! Walking in like you own the place!?" He says. It's not a nice welcoming, it's rather annoying and hurtful!

I want to say something to him but he grabs my phone out of my hands. He wouldn't take it seriously anyway! He picks me up like a child. I am a child! I already know by now that I'm certainly not as big and mature as everyone around me! I should be in middle school! I'm 13! I'm just a little kid! A weak, defenceless, little kid! And he is a big, strong bully! Plus he's human! All the teachers are on his side no matter what anyone tells them! He even bullies humans! He picks on adults! I'm no match for him!

Some people try to stop him. Other run away. Eliza screams herself hoarse. Zed tries to grab Jimmy. The two boys fight for a while but, with his Z-band still on, Zed can't overpower the bully.
Then, something inside me bursts. It's like a balloon when you apply too much pressure. Only that burst gave me strength. It didn't break me!

Suddenly, I'm standing ten feet tall (literally - whatever I am has the ability to just do that!) I feel... Powerful! But I also feel my control slipping away from me. Slowly at first then quickly until eventually, I feel like I'm not me. I feel like I'm spectating what's going on with absolutely no control over the situation! I still don't think my stupid brain will let me speak. But now instead of just inaudible, random nonsense - I roar. It's loud and I almost stop to cover my ears! Jimmy shuts up and tries to back away slowly. I chase him. I'm not too sure what happens next. I just run. Then I grab him. Then everything blacks out and I don't remember anything...

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