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The next day, after having a talk with all of his students, Mr. Seokjin stood in the front of the room and announced all pairings for the room—people were giving each other knowing smiles and happy winks while Taehyung sat in his seat and dreaded the moment his name would be called.

 "Jungkook, you'll be with Taehyung." 

 Taehyung bit his lip for some unknown reason, catching a glance back at Jungkook. When he did, Jungkook was just flicking his eyes at him and giving him a smile that, okay, was a little charming. He winked, and Taehyung tried to muster a smile in response. 

 After he'd finished reading off the list, he looked out at his class questioningly. "Are there any problems with who you've been paired with? Speak now or forever hold your peace." Taehyung should've been expecting Jungkook's hand to shoot up, but, honestly, he wasn't. "Jungkook?"

Jungkook smiled, letting his hand flop back onto his desk. "My partner hasn't even spoken to me at all. If I'm going to have to spend the rest of the year with him, don't you think it's important that he at least give me an introduction? I'm offended."

 Mr. Seokjin looked at Taehyung apologetically, then back at Jungkook. "You'll have time for introductions when we move to sit with our partners here in a moment, Mr. Jeon."

Jungkook gave Taehyung has that same charming smile, but he doesn't want to admit it like he did before. "Perfect." 

Taehyung tried to shrink even further into his seat. "Any other questions?" When he received none, Mr. Seokjin clapped his hands and made his way to his desk. "Okay, then. Greet your things and move to the desk beside your partner."

Taehyung gave another worrisome glance back at Jungkook, who was simply grinning at him and gesturing to the desk beside him. 

Taehyung sighed, rolled his eyes, then grabbed his backpack from the ground and made his way to the back of the classroom. 

And it was ironic—this time yesterday, he'd been trying his hardest to avoid this type of thing, and now, here he was on the desk of his worst nightmares. The universe must've really hated him.

 When he took his seat, he crossed his arms and refused to meet Jungkook's gaze. He huffed softly looking down at his tabletop. 

 They sat in silence for not nearly long enough before Jungkook broke it. "Excuse me." Taehyung tried to hide the malice in his tone. "What?" Jungkook squirked an eyebrow, turning in his seat until he was facing Taehyung. "I think you owe me an introduction." 

Taehyung was fully prepared to shout about how he didn't owe him shit, but then he turned his head and, fuck, there was that damn smile again. He felt his anger subside, if only for the moment, and sighed. He had promised he'd be nice anyway. He was just listening to his teacher. 

 Taehyung smiled through his teeth. "Kim Taehyung," he said sweetly. Jungkook smiled, leaning back in his chair. "I know." His eyes very obviously raked over Taehyung's form, and Taehyung felt vulnerable—he wasn't the most attractive of people; he knew that, but he didn't need Jungkook staring him down and doubling his insecurities. "And I'm Jungkook." 

 Taehyung nodded meekly. "Nice to properly meet you." 

Jungkook grinned. "Likewise." He finally tore his eyes from Taehyung's body and looked him in the eye. "So we're partners, then?" "Yes," Taehyung answered, swallowing. It'd been five minutes, and Taehyung had yet to explode, so he considered it a win. "In class." Jungkook tilted his head to the side. "You say that like you want it limited to this hour and a half," he murmured. "What's the matter? You hate me already?" 

 Taehyung bit his tongue and didn't answer. Jungkooklaughed, shrugging. "That's okay. We're all entitled to our own opinions, I suppose." He let out a breath, grinning to himself. "I'll have you wrapped around my finger in no time." 

Taehyung couldn't help but huff at that. "I'm sure you will," he muttered sarcastically. Jungkook only gave him another look, one Taehyung couldn't quite decipher, but it made his stomach turn—and not in the "I'm going to vomit" way. More in a "butterflies-in-my-stomach" way. 

It felt weird. 

That was the first sign for Taehyung that he was in serious trouble with absolutely no hope of escape. 


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