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Taehyung wondered how he ended up sprawled out on his bed, shirtless, with Jungkook working the button of his pants. No, he knew; it was because Jungkook was a teasing piece of shit who wouldn't take no for an answer, and Taehyung was weak and had no self-control whatsoever—at least when it came to Jungkook. 

He hadn't meant for any of this to happen; only an hour ago, he had his bag on his shoulder, heading for the door. He and Jungkook had agreed to meet at the library at five, and Taehyung should've known Jungkook was lying by the way he so quickly nodded at the idea when Taehyung brought it up. But he was stupid and oblivious, as he often was with Jungkook, and believed Jungkook was capable of honesty. When he opened the door, he saw a motorcycle parked on the side of the road (how much more stereotypical could Jungkookget be?), and Jungkookwas leaning against his doorframe. 

"Hi," Jungkook greeted Jungkook's greeting was simple like he wasn't doing anything wrong or planning on doing anything. Taehyung knew those were both lies. "What the hell are you doing here? This isn't the fucking library," Taehyung grumbled, probably sounding like a toddler who wasn't getting his way, but he didn't much care what he sounded like at this point. "Library?" Jungkookasked, feigning ignorance. 

"Is that where we were supposed to go? I was sure we agreed on yours." Taehyung glared at him. "You fucking assho—" 

"Taehyung!" Haeun sounded from behind him. "Naughty word!" Taehyung looked at the ground, seeing his sister giving him the meanest look she could muster—at her age, it was more of a half-grin, half-grimace. Taehyung would've laughed at her antics had Jungkook not been in his doorway. 

 "Who's at the door?" He heard his mother ask, and no, no, no, this wasn't happening; she was hearing things— "Jungkook," giving Taehyung one of the biggest winks he had ever seen. "Jungkook." His mother was rounding a corner, drying her hands on a towel as she went. "Oh! Hi, Jungkook," she said. She glanced at Taehyung. "I didn't know Taehyung was having anyone over." 

"Neither did I," Taehyung said, smiling fakely at Jungkook. "That's my fault. We're working on a project," Jungkook said. "We were supposed to meet at the library. But I thought we were supposed to meet here. It was my mistake." Taehyung wished looks could kill because Jungkook would be a pile of dust from the glare Taehyung was shooting at him. "Oh," she replied. "That's fine, Jungkook. You brought everything you needed, didn't you?" 

 Taehyung could hear where she was taking this, and he wanted to scream at her and tell her no, this boy is trouble. But he didn't—he stayed silent. Jungkookan replied, "Of course." He side-eyed Taehyung as he said it. "Then you're welcome to stay," she smiled. "Call me Jae," she continued, extending her hand toward Jungkook's. "Thank you, Jae," Jungkookgrinn said, accepting her hand and shaking it like the kiss-ass he was being. 

"But I wouldn't want to impose. Taehyung and I can get to the library in no time." Taehyung was about to voice his agreement, but Jae was quick to shake her head. "That'd be a waste of time. You have what you need, and Taehyung's room is right upstairs. Taehyung can show you." She smiled at Taehyung like she thought she was doing them a favor. 

Taehyung looked from her to Jungkook, knowing if he refused, he'd be hearing an earful later on manners. He decided it wasn't worth it—it wasn't like Jungkook would try to get him naked while his entire family was just downstairs. Taehyung knew now that, yes, Jungkook would do that. 

"You're manipulative," Taehyung breathed, tugging at Jungkook's hair as he pulled at Taehyung's trousers. "You're manipulative and a liar."

"Mhmm," Jungkook hummed, clearly in his world as he mouthed over Taehyung's erection through his boxers.

"I hate you," Taehyung continued, persistent.

"You're acting like it," Jungkook murmured, pressing his thumbs into Taehyung's hips, his mouth lying right on top of Taehyung's cock. "If your dick is anything to go by."

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