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Taehyung was decidedly less patient the next day. 

It could've been because he had to sit next to her to endure the menace of Jungkook Jeon for the next ninety minutes. Or because he'd tripped on his way to said seat—beside Jungkook—and caught the boy snickering at him. 

"I fell—fucking hilarious," Taehyung remarked, dropping his books onto his desk and sliding into his seat. He felt Jungkook's eyes boring into him as he sat, but he was determined to show him that he could hold his own. He kept his eyes on the front of the room and fought the heat that was threatening to color his cheeks. 

 "Wow," he heard Jungkook whisper. He sat and waited for Jungkook to continue, to say something demeaning about Taehyung or comment on just how hilarious his fall was, but he was met with silence. Taehyung let the silence linger for another two minutes, during which he could practically feel Jungkook's smirk resonating. He bit his lip, turning toward Jungkookin in a flash. 

 "Wow, what?" he asked, trying to hide how curious he was. Jungkook shrugged, smiling crookedly at Taehyung. "Just..." he looked Taehyung up and down again, and that really needed to stop soon. 


 Taehyung crossed his arms, pouting unashamedly. It was only then that he saw Jungkook grinning and laughing like a fucking five-year-old, dimples showing and laughter booming. He looked like Taehyung could admit. Almost harmless. But wasn't that what dangerous animals did—feigned harmlessness, then waited for the rightmoment to strike? 

 Taehyung allowed himself a few more seconds of smiling before he turned away and hoped Mr. Seokjin would turn up soon. Now all that was left to do, as he'd put it, was wait for Jungkook to strike. 


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