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He refused to call it "friends with benefits" even though that's exactly what it was.

He didn't have such an active hostility toward Jungkook anymore—in fact, they exchanged numbers that same night as what Taehyung so cleverly refers to as the sextravaganza. They talk, about more than school and sex surprisingly, and Taehyung is scared because he's considering Jungkook as a friend. A secret friend.

What's even worse is the number of times Taehyung has found himself in a bathroom stall or a closet, either giving or receiving head. He remembers the first time Jungkook jerked them off at the same time, both of their cocks in his hand. Taehyung had felt too horny to speak that time, his mind boggled by the sensation of Jungkook's dick and hand rubbing against his cock.

Or the time Taehyung had felt adventurous and groped Jungkook in at the back of the classroom during the drama. Jungkook had given him many looks, ranging from seductive to punishing, and Taehyung had received a nice mixture of those two things in the bathroom when class let out.

But the best by far had been when Jungkookhad dragged them into a classroom during their lunch period, claiming to have a surprise for Taehyung. Taehyung had been curious, understandably, so when they got to the room and Jungkook locked the door behind him, he leaned patiently against a wall while Jungkook reached into his pocket. He pulled out a packet of lube and Taehyung gasped. He'd ended up coming untouched with Jungkook three fingers deep in his arse. Taehyung sucked him languidly after that until Jungkook came in his mouth. When he showed up to lunch a bit later than usual and told Jimin he was staying behind for tutoring, Jimin only rolled his eyes and offered him some chips.

That had all happened in three weeks. Taehyung was shocked with himself.

It was times like now when they were alone in Taehyung's room that he liked most, though. Jae was downstairs cooking dinner, and she just had to ask Jungkook to stay—she quite liked Jungkook, for some reason unbeknownst to Taehyung. Maybe it was the curls—and Jungkookhad agreed that he would join them once he and Taehyung had finished studying.

Studying entailed lots of kissing, Taehyung learned.

Jungkook's hand was on Taehyung's thigh, stroking up and down its length while Taehyung tugged at his shirt. "Jungkook," Taehyung whispered, his mouth against Jungkook's lips. "Kook."

"Tae?" Jungkook replied, reaching in for another quick kiss. It was weird to Taehyung—the fact that he'd been adamant about never kissing Jungkook again less than a month ago and now they never had any alone time where their lips didn't touch.

"I have homework," Taehyung muttered, tilting his head away as Jungkook continued to try and kiss him. "I'm a good student."

"Good students don't blow people in the bathroom during the break," Jungkook argued, realizing it was useless to try and occupy Taehyung's mouth at the moment. He attached himself to the spot right below Taehyung's ear instead, nibbling and sucking. Taehyung groaned.

"And whose fault is it that that even happened?" Taehyung asked, grabbing at Jungkook's arm and sighing as he did.

"Yours, for telling me you wanted my cock in your mouth," Jungkook replied, his mouth still against Taehyung's skin.

Damn it. He sort of had him there. But really, Jungkook shouldn't have been leaning back in his seat the way he was—he was practically begging for Taehyung to suck his dick, okay? And it would've been rude (and impossible) for Taehyung to refuse.

"I still hate you," Taehyung muttered, letting a soft whimper slip from his lips as Jungkook's tongue slid across the shell of his ear.

"Yet I'm in your bed once again," Jungkook replied, and Taehyung could feel his smirk pressing into his head. "When are you going to accept that you're completely infatuated with me, Taehyung?"

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