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They decided to come out publicly two weeks later.

Jungkook had been set to snog Taehyung in the halls between class changes as a way of letting everyone know that they were an actual thing now, but Taehyung wanted to have a solid week to themselves to get used to things before they did anything stupid (like snog in the halls between class changes).

The weeks passed in a flourish—Jungkookspent most of his time at Taehyung' and they went on a (sort of) first date that leaves Taehyung feeling giddy and adored. And then they go on a second date, and a third, until it seems like they're attached at the hip. It felt entirely too comfortable, but Taehyung was content with it.

Exactly two weeks after they'd first gotten together, Jungkook drives Taehyung to school.

There's talk of Jungkook going for that drama twink as they walk past, and Taehyung would be lying if he said he wasn't completely endeared and a little turned on by the way Jungkook would pull him closer and glare at the other students. He looked nearly ready to kill until Taehyung would stand on his tiptoes and tell him something cute or nibble on his ear to regain his attention. Jungkook would then smile and squeeze Taehyung' hip and keep walking like nothing had happened.

When they got to Taehyung' locker, Jimin was leaning against the wall beside of them. He greeted them both with a smile and a nod; Taehyung had doted on Jungkook in their conversations to the point that Jimin couldn't hate him even a bit. They still didn't talk if Taehyung wasn't there, but it was a start and Taehyung couldn't have asked for anything better.

"So that's it?" Jimin asked, gesturing between the two of them. "You're going to walk together and let 'em assume?"

"There's not much else to do," Taehyung shrugged, smiling when he reached for his locker and Jungkook's fingers lingered at his side, drawing barely-there circles into the skin. "Not like it's anyone else's business anyway."

"Mm," Jungkook hummed in agreement. "He already rejected my idea."

"Because some things are meant to stay private," Taehyung answered, blushing at the thought; after he'd refused to make out with Jungkook against the lockers as a form of coming out, Jungkook had suggested taking Taehyung' blossoming exhibitionism kink up a notch. It was a joke—one curated for the explicit purpose of getting a reaction from Taehyung, but a joke nonetheless.

"Right," Jimin mumbled, coughing to cover up the awkward turn the conversation had taken. "Will you be joining us at lunch today, Jungkook?"

Jungkook turned up the corner of his lips in a smile. "I suppose, yeah," he said. "Might bring Hoseok along, if you don't mind."

"Just as long as Namjoon stays away," Taehyung whispered. After what he'd seen at the party, no amount of he's just a friend and you'd get along great could convince Taehyung to be anything but politely cold to the lad. Jungkook found it funny; one mention of Namjoon's name and he'd be guaranteed a very jealous and slightly possessive Kim Taehyung in his lap.

"I think I'll side with Taehyung on that one," Jimin replied, crossing his arms. "Still seems like a bit of a knob to me."

"I'll bet Taehyung put that in your head." Jungkook nudged Taehyung' side with his elbow, giving him a small form of a smirk. Taehyung rolled his eyes and shut his locker door, putting Jungkook's arm back around his shoulder and muttering in his ear, "You're making me jealous."

"Am I?" Jungkook asked, feigning innocence. Taehyung gave him a look that Jungkook recognized as a mixture of you're a prick and I'm quite fond of you. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't used to it by now.

"See you at lunch," Jimin murmured, walking away from the pair in a bit of a rush. "You ran him off," Taehyung grunted, slotting into Jungkook's side.

"Sure I did. Had nothing to do with your little whisper a second ago."

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