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Surprisingly, Jungkook didn't strike the next day. Or the day after. Or the entire week following the last incident—he's become an almost decent student and maybe even a decent person. It was odd, but a good kind of odd, one Taehyung wasn't sure he wanted to experience with Jungkook.

What was even weirder was the way Jungkook had been treating Taehyung—he'd speak to him when necessary and stay quiet when it wasn't. The closest contact he'd gotten from him was Wednesday when Jungkook brought some skittles to class and Taehyung had been staring at the wall in a daze, and Jungkook mistook his look for wanting. He'd offered Taehyung a red skittle, telling him, "They're the best, and you should be honored." Taehyung had eaten the stupid red candy, but all he could taste was guilt because Jungkook was being nice and Taehyung had been nothing short of indifferent from minute one. 

Maybe that was Jungkook's angle—maybe he wanted to kill Taehyung with kindness, so to speak. That seemed plausible, right? Taehyung glanced at Jungkookout out of the corner of his eye, deciding that, yeah, that could be true. Maybe. "Can I borrow a pencil?" Jungkook's voice startled Taehyung from his thoughts, and he found himself blushing, imagining Jungkook had heard his thoughts. He was about to answer; he swore he was, but then he got a bit caught up in the way Jungkook's tongue licked across his lips.

"Um—" Taehyung cut him off, realizing Jungkookhad had asked for a pencil. He fumbled for one in his bag, pulling the first one from the pocket and thrusting it in Jungkook's direction silently. He turned back towards the front of the room with his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed lower than normal before Jungkookeven uttered the words, "Thank you." 

 He felt ashamed; he wasn't supposed to stare at Jungkook's mouth, especially while he was licking his lips with, like, his tongue and stuff. It was wrong; it went against the laws of high school hierarchy (if that was still even a thing, but they weren't stuck in a cheesy '80s film) and, more importantly, Taehyung's nonexistent moral code. Nonexistent as it may be, Taehyung knew if he had a moral code that applied strictly to his high school experience, in big, bolded letters, the words DO NOT ASSOCIATE WITH JEON JUNGKOOK would be printed on bullet number one. 

 He kept his eyes focused on the lecture, but his mind wandered. His mind must've hated him because Jungkook's tongue sliding painfully slowly across his bottom lip was the only thing he could think about. He was thankful when it was announced they were going to have a paper to write on the different ways to present an emotion believably for the remainder of class, a minimum of five paragraphs long. That meant he would have something to focus on other than Jungkook Jeon and his I don't even want to know where that's been for the next half hour. 

 Somewhere between thinking of the proper facial expressions for someone feeling immense irritation (hopefully writing about the emotion while beside Jungkook Jungkook would help his problem— some classify-by-association type thing they'd gone over in Psychology last semester), and not thinking about Jungkook, he found himself failing at both tasks. 

Jungkook was tapping his pencil—Taehyung's' pencil—against his desk like an asshole. It would've been okay if he hadn't insisted on hitting it so hard that it made such a Taed thunk every time it hit the desktop. Taehyung' bit his lip, trying so hard to focus on his paper, but it was going to be a lost cause until Jungkook stopped. "Could you stop?" Taehyung whispered, keeping a decent amount of composure as he spoke. Jungkook didn't reply at first, and Taehyung wondered if he even heard him. He looked up, meeting Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook smiled at him, all teeth and exaggerated dimples. And he hit his desk again. 

Taehyung huffed, thinking a range of swear words from cunt to fucking bag of shit dicks. He decided to at least attempt to ignore Jungkook—he wanted a rise out of Taehyung, that was all. So maybe he'd stop once he realized he wasn't going to get what he wanted. A full three minutes passed, and the tapping was still going. Taehyung was biting the inside of his cheek hard, and he was seriously considering doing something stupid—like punching Jungkook. "Jungkook, please," Taehyung pleaded, looking up. "Stop." He couldn't hold back his sigh of relief when the pencil's movements ceased. 

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