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"He put you with who?" 

 "Jeon Jungkook." 

 Taehyung should've been more prepared for the scoff he heard from Jimin's end of the phone. He'd just delivered the news, having postponed it yesterday in hopes of it all being a lie. But he knew even then he was stuck with Jungkook, no matter what. It was just a matter of convincing himself. "Do you have any idea why?" 

 "Because I'm a 'good student,'" he answered, putting emphasis on the words. "I'll apparently be a good influence on him." "But he's—he's an animal," Jimin continued. "God, Taehyung, he's going to rip you to shreds and then spit outthe remains." 

 "Wow, that was helpful, Minnie. Do continue." Jimin sighed audibly. "You know what I mean. It's just—well, he's bad news, and everyone knows it, Tae. Be his partner but not his friend, yeah?" 

 Taehyung laughed humorlessly. "I can't believe Park Jimin just told me not to be someone's friend. There must be some sort of alternate universe. I thought you were unexceptionally nice." 

"Jungkook is an exception," he replied. "Just—" 

 "I got it, Jimin. Don't be his friend," he muttered in an awful impression of Jimin's voice. "God, it's like you think I'm going to fuck him." When the other line was silent, Taehyung grew offended. "Jimin ,you don't honestly think I'll sleep with him, do you?" 

"What?" Jimin asked. "No! No, not at all," he was quick to interject. "I just want you to be careful, okay?" 

Taehyung rolled his eyes, despite Jimin not being able to see him. "Okay, Mum." 

"Good," he heard from the other line. After that, conversation was noticeably curt—at least on Taehyung's end. If Jimin did notice, he didn't mention it. Within another fifteen minutes, the phone call was over, and Taehyung was left alone once again. Just the way he likes it and/or fears it, be damned. 


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