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When he met Jungkook by the janitor's closet during their lunch break as per usual Monday routine for them, he felt like being contrary.

"'ve been thinking 'bout this all day," Jungkook muttered as soon as Taehyung was in front of him. He leaned in without a thought and began mouthing at his neck. Taehyung bit back a moan, instead pushing Jungkook toward the closet.

"Not in the hallway, Jungkook, gosh," he whispered, making a show of pulling his neck away from Jungkook's mouth. Contrary.

He heard Jungkook give a loud grunt, felt his hands on his hips as he pulled Taehyung back into the room with him. Taehyung wondered when this became normal. "We just had sex a day ago, you're acting like it's been forever."

"Close enough," Jungkook murmured, and it was clear he was done with conversation. But Taehyung was still feeling stubborn, so when Jungkook's mouth nipped at his jaw and trailed to his lips, Taehyung turned his head so Jungkook's lips connected with his cheek instead. He suppressed a laugh at Jungkook's, "What the fuck?"

"I don't want to," Taehyung whispered simply. "Ever think of that, babe?"

"Bullshit," Jungkook replied, but he wasn't making a move to push Taehyung any further; if anything, he looked painfully hopeful at most. Taehyung felt a burst of pure fondness flow through him.

"Mm," Taehyung hummed, shrugging his shoulders. He gave Jungkook a sideways grin, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. He raised an eyebrow almost challengingly at Jungkook, and Jungkook finally realized Taehyung wasn't serious.

"I've already got your virginity," he said, brushing Taehyung' hair from his face. "Not much else to be nervous about, is there?"

He accentuated his words by reaching behind Taehyung and grabbing two handfuls of his arse, hitching Taehyung up until he was on his tiptoes. Despite his best efforts, a whimper escaped his mouth. "No," Taehyung murmured, keeping his head downcast to avoid staring at the smug look undoubtedly spread across Jungkook's face. "Fuck, I've had enough, touch me."

"But you don't want me to," Jungkook replied—Taehyung didn't understand how the tables had turned so quickly, but he didn't much care at this point. Now he just wanted Jungkook to touch him and to touch

Jungkook. He didn't think it was too much to ask for.

"Touch me," Taehyung murmured as his hands found the button of Jungkook's jeans. The jokes seemed to be dropped when Jungkook's hands snuck up from his bum to the small of his back, caressing it. He tapped his fingertips against the skin; Taehyung could only groan.

"Convince me you really want it," Jungkook murmured, and it was always a game with him, wasn't it? He seemed to thrive on getting Taehyung to beg and plead for him—his mouth, his hands, his cock. Taehyung wouldn't have a problem if it didn't mean he'd have to wait.

Taehyung dropped to his knees less than gracefully, but they were in a fucking janitor's closet and finesse wasn't his main concern. He tugged the button of Jungkook's jeans open a bit rougher than probably necessary, was even more careless when he pulled them to his knees, but Jungkook didn't comment and Taehyung was too far gone to care. When he spied Jungkook's erection threatening to burst from its fabric confines, Taehyung found comfort in the knowledge that Jungkook was just as desperate as he was.

He allowed himself a quick grope to Jungkook's crotch, smiling internally at Jungkook's quiet groan. His fingers slipped their way into Jungkook's boxers, pulling them down to meet his trousers around his thighs. He grabbed Jungkook's cock and wrapped his lips around the head, sucking with intent.

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