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Jungkook's expression was much too smug for Taehyung's liking the next morning. "Morning, Taehyung," he said cheerfully, with that same fucking smirk he'd been wearing yesterday. Taehyung didn't waste time coming up with a reply. "Fuck you," he said bitterly. 

He didn't bother to look at Jungkookas; he reacted, undoubtedly looking like a total prick. Taehyung didn't need to look at him to know that. "Your attitude's changed since yesterday. I think I liked it better when you were moaning my name and begging me to let you come." Taehyung swallowed, turning his head and refusing to let Jungkook see how the words affected him. 

"Or was it to make you come?" Jungkook continued, realizing he was getting no response. "I can't really remember. I was too busy grinding against your crotch." Taehyung took one final, steadying breath as he slowly lifted his head to look Jungkookin in the eye. "Savor it while you can, Jungkook. It's never happening again."

Jungkook laughed. "No, it's not," he said, and Taehyung screwed his eyebrows together in shock. Was Jungkook actually giving up so easily? Taehyung felt something stir inside of him—he refused to let it be jealousy—as he thought about Jungkook  no longer wanting him after he'd gotten that one stupid— "Not in the closet, anyway. Not enough room. If I'd had more space, I would've pulled more than one orgasm out of you. You wouldn't have been able to move." 

Taehyung tried hard to fight the blood rushing to his dick. But more than that, he felt blood rushing to his face, his cheeks tinting red in both shame and anger. Jungkook was referring to him in a way that made Taehyung feel like an object—another thing that breathed and could be fucked. He didn't like it. 

"Stop talking about it," Taehyung demanded. "As far as I'm concerned, it didn't happen and it never will happen. It'd be great if you got in the mindset, too." 

He saw a flash of regret in Jungkook's eyes—probably because he hadn't properly gotten a good fuck in before this—but he was quick to let it fade into an arrogant expression. Taehyung would've rolled his eyes had he not been staring him down. 

"I'm not so easily forgotten. Especially if my tongue's been involved." He let his tongue fall out of his mouth, and Taehyung was reminded of how this situation had started. "I give it a week. If that." Taehyung decided it wasn't worth a reply, settling for rolling his eyes and looking pointedly away from Jungkook. He felt like the world really hated him when Mr. Seokjin announced a partner project was on the agenda for the remainder of the week, and if it wasn't done by Friday, they were to work on it during their own time. Which meant time alone with Jungkook. Outside of school. 

"Fuck me," he whispered, ignoring the raised eyebrow that Jungkook could only have meant as an invitation. When the teacher handed over the reins to the students, allowing them time to discuss, Taehyung''s first words were, "This is getting done before Friday." He was met with Jungkook's crooked smile. "I dunno. I'm usually not very productive until it's nearing the weekend. I'll be useless until then." You're useless now, Taehyung thought, sighing. "I'm fine with doing all the work." 

"I'm sure Mr. Seokjin up there wouldn't be too fond of it, would he?" Taehyung gave him a look. "It's Seokjin. And that's exactly why he's not going to find out." 

"You sound awfully sure about that," Jungkook muttered. "Especially when I could casually mention how my partner is being rude and won't allow my help on a partner project." 

Taehyung was about to give him the "you wouldn't" line, but he knew that, yeah, Jungkook would. He seemed like the type of privileged douchebag who thought it was okay to do anything as long as it got him what he wanted in the end. 

"Fine," Taehyung complied. After all, he could get them at a library if he had to. It wasn't like he doubted that Jungkook would attempt to get in a quick hand job under the table, but he felt like he himself would be more controlled in a quiet yet public environment. Jungkook smiled. 

"I'll be generous and give you the rest of the class to figure out how you're going to try and resist me," he said. "Even though we both know it's useless. And it'd be great if you got in that mindset, too." 

"I don't need to figure anything out. You're not irresistible," Taehyung argued, slightly miffed at the fact that Jungkook was mocking him. Internally, however, he was thinking, I'm going to need more than forty-five minutes. 

Jungkook scanned Taehyung's face, his eyes darting from place to place rapidly. Taehyung fought to keep his expression neutral, once again feeling exposed under Jungkook's gaze. "Five days," Jungkook clarified, smiling to himself. 

 Taehyung sighed. He could not resist Jungkook. It was easy. All he needed to do was prove it to Jungkook—and possibly himself. 


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