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It was easier said than done.

A week passed since his talk with Jimin, and Jimin had asked him about his progress every day. Taehyung couldn't tell him that he'd sucked Jungkook off on his bed last night, or that he'd let Jungkook use his hand on him until he came all over himself, so his general answer was always, "Tomorrow."

On the following Tuesday, Jimin seemed to have taken matters into his own hands.

Jungkook knocked on his door around five in the afternoon, and Taehyung answered with a look of confusion. Usually, Jungkook texted him before he showed up, and he rarely came when he knew Taehyung was babysitting the girls (even though they'd mentioned on countless occasions how they liked having him around).

"What's so urgent?" Jungkook asked as soon as the door was open. His motorcycle was parked a bit haphazardly in their drive, his hair was still a bit mussed from his helmet that he'd begun to wear per Taehyung's request, and his phone was gripped tightly in his hand. All Taehyung could think to say was, "What?"

"You just texted me," Jungkook began, "and said I needed to come over as soon as I could for a talk. You typed it formally, which was weird, so I figured this was the time you were finally going to tell me you were tired of what we'd been doing and end it. So go ahead and do it. Rip off the band-aid."

Taehyung felt his heart ache painfully; so that's just how much this meant to him, then. Little enough that he could handle Taehyung telling him to go away and move on, just like that. He bit his lower lip, saying, "I haven't seen my phone since lunch today."

"But you—you texted me," Jungkook argued, seemingly confused. Taehyung would've found it cute had Jungkook been here for any other reason.

"Jimin probably took my phone," Taehyung said in answer. Honesty seemed to be his only option anymore, especially if Jimin was willing to steal his fucking phone to get him to talk to Jungkook. "I didn't send you anything."

"Oh," Jungkook muttered, his face heating up. "Um."

Taehyung swallowed the lump in his throat as he said, "But I did want to talk to you." "Oh," Jungkook repeated. "What about?"

Taehyung looked back to his sisters, then at Jungkook. "Jieun, can you watch them for a bit?"

"Sure," she answered and Taehyung was sure she would ignore them unless it was a life or death matter, but if he didn't get Jungkook up to his room and talk to him now, he probably never would.

"Jungkook," he said, gesturing to the stairs. Jungkook seemed reluctant to go—probably because every other time he'd gone up them, he was naked about five minutes later and this time, Taehyung seemed serious. Taehyung considered it a win when Jungkook made his way to his room anyway—slowly, but surely.

Jungkookbegan to go to bed like he always did, but thought better and stopped; Taehyung sighed and muttered, "Go ahead." Jungkooksat down wordlessly.

Everything was so much easier when they were just limited to fucking and kissing and touching and ignoring everything else. But if Taehyung didn't say something now, he probably never would. As it was, he felt like he could burst with his need to tell Jungkook what went through his mind when they kissed and when they touched, and when they fucked, and especially when they were ignoring everything else. He didn't think he could survive.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook asked after a moment of silence.

"Jungkook," Taehyung answered, and the name felt so good coming off of his tongue; he liked saying it between kisses and moans, he liked saying it angrily when Jungkook was being a wanker, and he liked saying it period.

That was his final push.

"I like to say your name," he murmured, and Jungkook probably thought he was an absolute loon, but he didn't stop. "I like to touch you before we have sex, then after, and sometimes when sex isn't even on our minds but it seems like it always is—it's always sex with us and I fucking love the sex, but I want there to be more. I want to kiss you because I want to kiss you, I want to give you compliments because I mean them and not because I'm hoping to get you naked, I want to invite you over to my house any time of any day just because I want you to be here, not so we can fuck quietly in my bedroom and hope we don't get caught. I want to do so much more with you than make you come but you're—" Taehyung sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "You seem to be on the other side of the fence here, but I can't just keep doing this stuff if it's going to keep being meaningless."

Silence. Instead of crying like he really wanted to do, words kept tumbling out of his mouth.

"I like you a lot, Jungkook—even when you're being such a prick and teasing me and telling me to shut up. I like you when you text me and when you give me nicknames and when you tell me I'm gorgeous and when you make me go to stupid parties because you bribed me with a blow job and when you—fuck, when you do anything, I like you so much and I thought it was so stupid but I can't just. I just can't do it anymore, if you're only here for a fuck. And maybe that's selfish, but—"

"God, shut up, Taehyung," Jungkook interjected; it was cruel for him to say after what Taehyung had just told him, really. "Shut up and let me—just—be still."

Jungkook stood up and kissed Taehyung—it wasn't their usual kiss where it began like an innocent peck and quickly turned into something much more sensual, but more like the way Taehyung imagined Prince Charming would've kissed Cinderella. He didn't know why a Disney analogy of all things was what he compared it to, but he couldn't find it in him to care because he'd just spilled all of his embarrassing thoughts about Jungkook to Jungkook and Jungkook was kissing him.

Jungkook's hands held onto his hips while Taehyung' instinctively wrapped around Jungkook's neck. He perched himself up on his tiptoes and threaded his fingers through Jungkook's hair. Taehyung knew he couldn't be doing something wrong; this felt much too right to be wrong in any way.

Jungkook's grip stayed strong even after their lips disconnected. He rested his forehead against Taehyung', breathing against his mouth as he said, "You're so thick."

Taehyung didn't have it in him to fight Jungkook on it, too high from kissing Jungkook like he had to care for much of anything besides his mouth and his hands and his Jungkook. "I liked it better when you were kissing me."

"I liked it better when you were babbling out compliments," Jungkook argued, and Taehyung couldn't think of anything to do other than kiss him again, so he did.

Again and again.


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