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A long chapter indeed but you'll enjoy it😋

Walking into Jung Hoseok's house was both surreal and terrifying.

Taehyung had been able to convince Yoongi to drive them both to the party (Jungkookhad offered, but he was still trying to seem mad about the motorcycle thing) and keep Taehyung' whereabouts to himself. Yoongi was more than happy to see Taehyung out and about, curious as to why Jimin wasn't with him, sure, but he decided to let it slide. Taehyung was, for once, thankful for his easy going personality.

"So what made you finally come?" Yoongi asked on the drive there. Taehyung really hadn't thought this through—Yoongi had a full ten to twenty minutes to question him over a party he'd agreed to go to at the last minute after a full two years of never attending one. Taehyung himself wasn't quite sure of the answer.

"New experience," Taehyung answered distractedly, staring out the window as he did. He wasn't about to admit that it was because Jungkook sucked his dick by a tree on the side of a secluded road. "Can't complete high school without going to at least one of these, yeah?"

"I'm happy you agreed," Yoongi continued in answer. "You'll love the lads. I know they come off sorta mean, but they're a good laugh, I promise."

Taehyung wanted to snort and roll his eyes, but instead he gave a quiet, "I'm sure."

"I'll introduce you to Hoseok," Yoongi said. "Since, you know, he's the host and all. You guys will hit it off, I swear. You have more in common than you'd think."

We've probably both had Jungkook's mouth on our dick, Taehyung thought. And vice versa.

He felt a small surge of jealousy at the thought and decided to ignore it; instead, he asked, "Like what?"

Yoongi launched into a story about Hoseok's love of Marvel and how he listened especially well, how his jokes were always quiet and usually unheard, but funny if you listened. He sounded alright, Taehyung had to admit, albeit reluctantly.

"And Namjoon, he can be a bit more of an asshole, but he means well." He sat back as if in thought, then muttered, "And then there's Jungkook."

Taehyung caught Yoongi looking at him out of the corner of his eye, as if taking in Taehyung' reaction to the name. Taehyung tried to remain neutral. "Yeah. We got paired up in drama."

"Yeah," Yoongi answered, forcing a bit of a laugh. "He's a good guy."

Taehyung kind of wanted to laugh, because everyone else had told him the exact opposite. "He's alright."

"I think he wants to bone you," Yoongi blurted, and his eyes widened. "Wait, fuck—no, I didn't say that, okay?"

Taehyung had to bite his lip to keep a straight face this time—he's pretty sure a noise similar to a hyena left his mouth anyway. "Okay."

"Well, it's just," Yoongi paused, sighing to himself. "He talks about you sometimes. And, like, he used to talk about whose pants he got into recently, and it's just kinda. Stopped."

Taehyung took a second to process what he was being told; one, Jungkook hadn't told his friends that they were casually fucking around. He didn't know if that was good or bad. On the bright side, he could've taken Taehyung seriously when he said he didn't want Jimin to know, and he knew how quick gossip spread. He could've been protecting Taehyung.

Or he could've been so ashamed of screwing someone like Taehyung that he kept it to himself. That was a possibility.

Taehyung didn't know what to think of the rest of what Yoongi had said—Jungkook? Not screwing everything in sight at every given chance? That didn't sound very Jungkook. But then again, the Jungkook Taehyung knew now didn't sound very much like the Jungkook he had in mind prior.

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