Emily's Sewing Machine

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This story is taking place when Emily first got her sewing machine. Before the farmer arrived in town.

"Emily! There's a package outside!" Haley yelled out.

"I wonder what that could be?" I said, knowing exactly what it was.

It was my sewing machine. I jumped in excitement. I've been waiting for it to arrive for months. I've wanted an outfit that fitted my style. Not something I could just find at a store.

I've had this red dress in mind. It has two buttons at the top of it. I just haven't had many sewing lessons.

I tried figuring out how to use it for an hour.I didn't want to give up, but I heard I heard a knocking on the doors.

"Emily! Can you get the door, I'm putting makeup on!"
Haley yelled from her room.

Reluctantly, I went to the door. It was Evelyn.

"Hello sweet heart, I brought cookies." Evelyn said with a smile.

"Thank you." I said, worn out.

"Is everything alright dearie?" Evelyn asked, concerned.

"I've been trying to use my sewing machine for an hour now but I can't seem to figure it out."

"Oh I can help with that! Evelyn told me, "I'm a sewing champion!"

"Really?" I replied

"Yes, I've won awards." Evelyn said.

I don't know if I'll believe that but I agreed to let her help me.

"What are we gonna do for dinner-" Haley walked by asking, but then saw us and stopped talking.

Emily showed my all the tips, tricks and everything I needed to know.

I was able to knit my dress and I hugged her as she left. She's kinda like my grandma. I never got to meet my grandma so.

The dress looks beautiful. It's everything I've ever wanted! That and a pet bird.

After a good nights sleep a dream told me to give Evelyn a thank you gift. I didn't know what to give her. So I decided to give her one of my candles.

I walked to her front door and saw Alex outside practicing football. One day he'll be famous, maybe. I say that as I see him throw the ball into the river.

I knocked on the door. I heard George yell for Evelyn to get the door.

"Oh hello dearie!" Evelyn opened the door, "what brings you here?"

"I wanted to give you a thank you gift!" I handed her the gift.

"Oh a candle! I love candles!" She said smiling.

"Careful with that!" George grumbled from the other room, "You could cause a fire!"

"Oh George, it's not even lit." Evelyn assured George.

He made a grumbled sound then went back to watching his show.

"Well thank you so much dearie, we're about to eat lunch if you wanna join us," she told me, "George likes to stay eating while watching his show, so we have the table to ourselves"

"I'd love to!" I told her.

I sat down at the kitchen table and looked at the wall. It was lined with trophies. I looked closer and saw that they were sewing trophies. I guess she wasn't lying!

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