Florana valley (continued)

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The farmer was startled by the child running away from him. He seemed scared to see his presence. No one was quite sure why Florana valley has been shut off for so long.

The farmer gazed upon a trail leading into a purple almost enchanted forest. It reminded the farmer of the secret forest from stardew valley.

Enchanted leaves fell from the trees onto the farmers hair. Suddenly the farmer felt some sort of magical feeling, next thing they know they're floating in the air.

"What the-" the farmer slightly panicked as they now are a couple feet of the floor.

After a couple minutes, the farmer had risen so high that they had become entangled in one of the trees.

"Do you need help up there?" A strange feminine voice echoed.

The farmer hesitated then replied, "yes, I do."

"This used to happen to new visitors all the time before the valley was shut off from the world," the voice continued.

"I can imagine," the farmer replied.

The woman shone the tree that the farmer was in and they floated down to the ground.

"Eventually your body will get used to the magical atmosphere and balance itself out so you don't float around" the woman replied, "my names Maggie, by the way. What's yours?"

The farmer nodded at her but ignored her question, "where is the main town area?"

"Just follow this trail and you'll get there," Maggie replied.

The farmer started following the trail, leaving Maggie behind.

"What a strange person," Maggie whispered to herself.

The main town area looked like something from a fairy tale.

"Hello traveler, welcome to our humble town," an older male voice spoke.

"Hello," the farmer replied.

"What's your name traveler?" He asked the farmer.

The farmer had a hesitant look on their face.

"I'll just call you traveler. My names Rasmodius, you may have met my son in stardew valley," Rasmodius spoke.

"You're... you're the wizard's father?" The farmer questioned.

He chuckled, "he calls himself the wizard now? Any magic he uses was brought from florana valley."

"That sorta makes sense I guess," the farmer replied.

"He left Florana Valley after we had a disagreement, but besides that, what brings you to our valley?"

"I'm just exploring," the farmer replied.

"Next time you see my son could you possibly tell him that I wanna talk to him?" Rasmodius asked.

"I guess I could, he's never mentioned you before," The farmer replied.

"As expected" Rasmodius replied, "well enjoy looking around, I have a town to run so I'll see you around"

Rasmodius walked away. Judging by his remark, he must be the mayor of this town.

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