Shane and Jas

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After Shane was done with work he decided to go for a walk. He doesn't get fresh air that often so it was a nice break. Life has been weighing him down recently and a walk might help.

He walked in the direction of his house but instead of going inside he just walked past. A gust of wind gently blew on his hair. His gaze peeled towards the lake. The sun reflecting of the lake hurt his eyes.

He turned his gaze towards a big tree and saw Jas playing with her jump rope. He smiled and went up to her.

"1, 2, 3, oh no I messed up again!" Jas complained.

"Hey Jas, what's up?" Shane asked her.

"I'm trying to jump rope but I keep failing," she replied.

"Well, do you wanna take a break?" Shane asked. "We could go to the park!"

"Yes!" Jas cheered. Shane doesn't take her to the park that often. She was just happy to see him encouraged to play with her.

They walked to the park. Jas held Shane's hand. She was bouncing up and down.

The bright colors of the park stood out as they walked past the fountain. Jas loves to swing so she ran right to the swings.

"Push me!" She yelled at Shane.

Shane walked up and pushed her on the swing. He stayed doing that for awhile.

"Tag your it!" She tapped him then started running.

Shane started chasing after her. This is the fastest he's run in years.

"Slow down!" He yelled out, "I'm out of breath,"

Jas went back to him to see if he was ok.

"Tag!" He yelled out as he tapped her.

"You tricked me!" She yelled.

Shane chuckled as Jas started chasing him.

After an hour or two, they decided to go home. Shane was out of breath walking back. Jas still had a bounce in her step.

Shane has felt like he's had much reason to live recently. He knows now that if he doesn't live for himself, he'll live for Jas.

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