Shane's blue chickens

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This story takes place before Shane ever had a blue chicken.

"Shane, don't forget to feed the chickens!" Marie yelled out to me.

I moved my blanket and some bottles fell to the floor. I've been in bed for hours now debating if I wanted to get up today. If I have any reason to live, it's for Jas and the chickens.

I got up and put on my slippers. I slept in my clothes, I didn't feel like changing. The farm door creaked as I opened it. The chickens were happy to see me. I'm glad someone's happy to see me

After I fed the chickens I heard a sound coming from the bushes outside. Now normally I would stay away from the bushes but today I decided to go check it out.

I went up to look at the bush and saw.. purple hair? In an instant it vanished. I looked through the bush and saw a small chicken. The chicken had blue feathers!

"Poor guy, someone must've left you here." I said when I picked her up."You wanna come inside?"

The chicken just looked at me and fell asleep in my arms. I took her inside and set her down in a little nest. She seemed full grown. I got her some food just in case she was hungry.

The next day when I went to check on her I noticed something. There was an egg in her nest. Curious to see what would happen, I put the egg in an incubator.

A few days later there was a baby blue chicken! This species of chicken must be really rare. I could make millions selling them, but I would never do that. I love them too much.

"Shane, dinners ready!" Marnie said as she was opening the door, is that, a blue chicken."

"Yeah." I replied.

"Shane you can't paint the chickens."

"I found him this way!"

She had a confused face and went to look at the chickens.

"Where did you find her?" She asked me.

"In the bushes outside, someone left her there." I responded.

"Shouldn't we find her owner?" Marnie asked, " did you happen to see who owned her?"

"Well I saw purple hair in the bushes but then it vanished, like a wizard." I told her.

"I'd be careful with that chicken." She warned me, "it could be dangerous."

"It'll be fine!" I assured her.

Although I have noticed a few weird things with the chicken, mainly that she seem to glow in the dark.

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