A Home For Krobus

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Krobus spends most of his time alone. Except when the farmer comes and buys stuff from him. He has actually grown quiet fond of the farmer. He thought the being alone is the best way to live, but maybe that's not the case.

"Hello farmer! Did you come for an iridium sprinkler?" Krobus asked the farmer.

"Actually, I came to give you something," the farmer said with a smile on their face.

Krobus had a confused look on his face. Of course he loves when the farmer brings him gifts, but there's something different this time. Something even better than he's ever gotten before.

"I know being on your own can be hard," the farmer said.

"Yes, yes it can I suppose," Krobus replied.

"But you won't have to anymore!" The farmer blurted out.

Krobus had a very confused look on his face. The farmer proceeded to hand him a void pendant.

"A void pendant?" Krobus said surprised, "for me?"

"Yes," the farmer replied.

"You want me to move in with you?" Krobus questioned, thinking this is a joke.

"I have a whole room for you!" The farmer replied.

Krobus looked down, thinking about this. It's a really big change. He never goes outside.

"Yes, I accept," Krobus blurted out. "I'll come over when it's dark out, I don't wanna be seen."

The farmer went up and gave Krobus a big hug. Krobus had a smile on his face.

Later that night Krobus made his way to the farmers house. He started walking by a house when he saw something In the window. It was a face and it was looking right at him!

Krobus ran behind a bush.

"I believe that was... Jas?" Krobus whispered to himself, "she's just a child, maybe she won't remember seeing me,"

He looked to his left only for Jas to be standing to be standing right over him.

"Hi," Jas whispered, "Whats wrong?"

"Your not scared of me?" Krobus asked her.

"Not really, you seemed more scared of me," Jas replied. "I'm Jas, what's your name,"

"Kr-Krobus" he stuttered.

"I've known about you for a while now," Jas told him.

"You have?" Krobus wondered.

"I've seen you in the sewers, I was scared of you at first but you just looked so kind," Jas told him.

"Well, thanks?" Krobus replied.

"I better go, Marnie would kill me if she saw I left the house," Jas blurted out.

"She would what!" Krobus panicked.

"See you later!" Jas yelled as she ran back inside.

Krobus starting walking to the farmers house again. He was pondering if maybe the towns people would like him.

He made it to the farmers house and went to what he presumed to be his room. He laid down and fell asleep.

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