Chapter Nine

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House Nighttime, Dean and Sarah is sitting at a table, Dean with bottle of whiskey and laptop, looking at websites related to Dick Roman: Global Economic Report: RRE, a search engine page, Financial Market Watch: Richard Roman Enterprises stock soars, A cell phone rings. Sam, who was asleep on a bed in the same room, sits up and groans and Dean says "Don't give me that dirty-diaper look because we're ain't calling you." Sam answers the phone "Hello?" Car Nighttime, Jody on phone says "Sam, it's Jody Mills. I wake you?" Sam Vo says "The sheriff? Uh..." Sam turns on a lamp "Yeah. Uh, I mean, uh –" 

Jody says "Listen, I got something that smells like you boys and Sarah, A body turned up in Canton, Ohio. Local P.D.'s trying to bury the story and the body." Sam says "Okay, um, so, uh, what's up with the body?" Jody says "Well, when it went missing, it was a perfectly normal grad student named Charles Durbin. When it turned up, the thing was mummified minus the wrapping and this is actually the second body found like this in the last couple weeks. Sound like a song you boys and Sarah tap to?"

Sam says "Yeah, yeah, that's, that's um... that's our kind of number. Hey, question – how does a sheriff in Sioux Falls get wind of a case in Ohio?" Jody says "I'm just that nosy. Look, after everything I've been through with you boys, Sarah and... with Bobby, you know, something like this pops up on the wire, it catches my ear. What can I say?" Sam on the phone says "Well, we'll look into it. Thanks, Sheriff." Jody says "Call me after, okay?" Sam says "Yeah." He hangs up the phone, Sam says to Dean and Sarah "That was Sheriff Mills and she caught us one." 

Dean says "Oh, I feel bad. We didn't get her anything." Sam says "I can't believe I'm about to say this but I hope you're watching cartoon smut, 'cause reading Dick Roman crap over and over again is just self-punishment." After a pause, Dean closes the laptop and he says "It's called anime, and it's an art form." Sarah just looks over to him shaking her head but she just gets up and leaves to get changed.

Canton, Ohio Abandoned Building Daytime, Signs saying "For Auction" and "No Trespassing" are hung on a security fence around the house. Dean, Sarah and Sam , dressed in suits, pull up in a car outside the house "Well, this looks nice. Check around back?" They drive off and Dean carries a table into an empty downstairs room, Sam comes down the stairs carrying a chair and says "Well, there's a... semi-functioning bathroom and one un-rancid bedroom." 

Dean says "Define semi-functioning, and do not use the words "hole in the floor."" Sarah rolls out a bedroll in an empty bedroom, Dean enters the room and stands near the door and asks Sam, How does paper beat a rock? It's stupid." Sam doesn't respond, Dean leaves the room and joins Sarah, Residential Street Daytime, Dean, Sarah and Sam are dressed in suits and Dean is holding the police file, Sam says "Kids playing hide-and-seek found the body." Dean says "Wow. Very King Tut." Sarah says "Yeah, so, uh, this is where the eyewitness to the assault lives, but the cops are calling him an unreliable witness." 

Dean asks "Because?" Sam says "Let's find out." They knock at the door of a house and hold out their I.D. A Man opens the door and Dean says "Special Agent Smith. This is, uh, Special Agent Smith No relation and this is Special Agent Harrison." Man says "Whoa. Do you mind if we, uh... My mom's sleeping in there." The Man steps outside and closes the door "S-so, how can I...?" Sam says "Oh, we, uh – we had a few questions about the incident you witnessed in the alley." Man says "You just gonna laugh at my story like the rest of the suits?" Sarah says "We're not gonna laugh at you."


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