Chapter Sixteen

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Richard Roman Enterprises Daytime, The Woman who attempted to hack into Frank's hard drive pulls up on a yellow scooter in front of the building. She removes her goggles and helmet, puts on headphones and plays Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine" as she walks towards the building as she enters the building and she swipes her pass card, bouncily across the foyer in time to the music. A security guard's computer screen shows her picture and name – Charlie Bradbury – and reads "Access Granted". 

She swipes her pass card in the elevator and presses a button for the fourth floor, She looks around and then she starts dancing vigorously. The elevator arrives on her floor and she exits but not before composing herself once inside the office she takes off her earphones and turns off the music, Her workspace is decorated with figurines and pictures from Star Wars, Harry Potter, Wonder Woman, etc and next to the computer to her computer is a Hermione Granger figurine and once she sits down at the desk she goes onto her computer and brings up a website for "The U.S. Conservatives – Keep America Strong" and transfers $10,000 from their account to "Animal Lovers & Lovers of the Planet".

A co-worker asks Charlie "How'd it go last night? Charlie, it's a moral imperative you let me live vicariously through you." Charlie says "Pictures or it didn't happen, right?" She hands the co-worker her phone, her computer screen now shows the "Animal Lovers" website online donations page. A message appears saying that the $10,000 funds transfer is complete and the Co-worker asks Charlie "You hooked up at a charity benefit?"

Charlie then says to the co-worker "If you can't score at a reproductive rights function, then you simply cannot score." Of course that confuses the co-worker who asks her "Is that legal?" Charlie simply says to her co-worker "We were two consenting adults."  He then rolls his chair over to Charlie's computer screen and he says "No, that Why do you insist on breaking the law on company property?" Charlie says to him "Mmm, faster Internet connection here." The co-worker warns Charlie and says to her "Oh, well, if Pete finds out, he's gonna fire you... or get you arrested." 

Charlie asks "Teddy Bear Pete? Please you know I've been doing this for like a month and I can cover my tracks, Harry trust me."  Pete stands in front of her and says "Charlie!" They both stood up and looked over the cubicle divider at Pete and he says "My office, Now!" Harry looks to Charlie and she looks back at him and he says to her "I love you." Charlie simply says "I know." She gets up from her desk and heads towards Pete's Office, Dick Roman is there Pete doesn't say anything but Dick does and he says "Charlie Bradbury? Dick please sit." 

She looks nervous, "Charlie, I've been running things for, well feels feels like since before the dawn of man. Always had a vision and I'm close to realizing that dream I don't want to brag, but the world is my dinner plate and I don't want anything to jeopardize that – definitely not the actions of one tiny, little person." Charlie got worried and says nervously "Sir, sir, I can fix this. Please – please don't fire me." Dick looks to Pete confused and asks him "What's she talking about?" 

Pete says "I-I..." But before he could even Dick asks "Is that about hacking those Super PACs? 'Cause that was adorable. Tell me, how does a high-school dropout become one of the brightest minds at Roman, Inc.?" Charlie responses with "Um... Honestly... Historically, I've had this problem with – with authority – no offense – so I realized the only way to get away with being me was to be as indispensable as possible. Sorry." 

Dick says to Charlie "You're kind of completing me right now, Charlie you have that spark, that thing that makes humans so special because not everyone has it, you know. Those people – they can be replaced but  people like you... are impossible to copy." Charlie Reponses with "C-copy?" He says to Charlie "Take the compliment." Dick picks up a hard drive he says to Charlie whilst holding the hard drive "This belonged to one Frank Devereaux thought he could bring down the whole company and he was wrong so let's  keep him wrong, it's encrypted." 

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