Chapter Eleven

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Car Night-time, Dean says "Jeffrey? Jeffrey, you awake?" Dean is driving the Impala, Sarah in the front passenger seat and Jeffrey is lying down in the back seat coughs and splutters "Hey, you passed out because you're in shock."  Jeffrey asks "He's – he's gone?" Sarah says "We exorcised him. Try not to move, okay? We're almost to the hospital." Jeffrey moans "Your... your brother?" Dean says "My brother stayed back to clean us out of that crime scene. There's no reason to go down for a demon's murders, you know what I mean?"

 The Impala pulls up outside the CDA Regional Hospital emergency entrance both Dean and Sarah helps Jeffrey out of the car and holds him upright and Dean asks "All right. All right, take it easy. All right, you're good to make it from here, right?" Jeffrey nods "Okay, Jeffrey, no demon talk in the E.R., you understand me? You were mugged." Jeffrey says "Okay." Dean says "Okay." Dean and Sarah takes their hands away and gets back in the car "All right. Um, uh, thank you." Jeffrey gives a brief wave and stumbles forward.

Present Day, Motel Room night-time, Sarah, Dean and Sam open the door and look inside and Dean turns on the light. They go inside and Dean's phone rings, ""Classified server"? Got to be Devereaux, right?" Dean on the phone says "Hello? Thank God. Frank...." Dean takes a radio receiver from Sam "Frank, what do you got for me?" Sam's hallucination of Lucifer Hallucifer , is in the room and says "It's nice." Dean on the phone says "Frank, you're breaking up." 

Hallucifer says "Kind of like a men's room with beds oh and not forgetting a pretty girl that your brother is dating." Sam takes folders out of his bag Hallucifer peels a green mark off the wall "Hmm, avocado grime."" Sam opens a folder, which contains a bloody photo of flesh and autopsy report, and puts it on top of another open folder on a bed "Takes years to build up a patina like this." Hallucifer puts the grime in his mouth, Sam presses hard on his left palm with his right hand and Hallucifer flickers and disappears, Dean on the phone asks "What do you mean you can't find him? It's Dick Roman. Turn on CNN. Didn't you see him at that, uh, press conference in Phoenix? The bastard's everywhere, You sure? No, I-I-I don't..."

Sarah and Sam continues to lay out folders on the bed "I don't care that they've infiltrated the luxury boat industry, Frank. Great. Call Kanye." Dean hangs up and Sarah asks "Frank's still stumped on Roman?" Dean says "Yeah. All right, let's do this." Sam says "Okay, um, look at the victim profiles, Same age, same hair color, body type and the ritual mutilations line up exactly." Dean asks "Who down there would've let our demon out of the can? He squealed on his superiors. We made sure of that. I mean, he should be down under until, uh, trumpet day." Sarah says "But two women killed in the last two weeks, same parts missing, I mean, same old hunting grounds, even." 

Dean says "All right, well, we can take a swing at it. But you know it's all about the Leviathans now, okay? They're the ones we need to be hunting." Sam says "Yeah, but, no – I mean, not right now. This one's ours, Dean. It's unfinished business, apparently." Dean says "All right." Male Voice on Radio says "This is Unit 32. Repeat, Unit 32. We've got another one." Sam opens his eyes "That's a 187. Female Caucasian..." Dean opens his eyes "...maybe late 30s, at the Henley Auto-Wash." Sarah opens her eyes and the female says "Unit 32, assistance is en route." Sam turns on the light between the beds "We got a real mess here, dispatch."

Crime Scene Daytime, A body mostly covered with a bloodstained sheet lies on the ground and a police team works around it Sarah, Sam and Dean , dressed in their FBI suits, hold up their badges and an officer lifts the "Do Not Cross" line for them to duck under and Sam says "Thanks." Dean says "You know, every time we do this, I wonder if today's the day. We walk up, flash our tin to a bunch of chompers pretending to be policemen." 

Sarah says "I hear you." A Detective grabs Sam by the shoulder and Sam turns to face him. Hallucifer is leaning against a coroner's vehicle behind the Detective, "Thought you guys and lady might show up, It's the drummer boys and girl, agents, uh, Bonham..., Green ... and Watts, right?" Sam says "Yeah." Dean says "Yeah, absolutely." Sarah says "Uh, it's a pleasure to see you again, Detective..." Detective says "Oh, no problemo – Detective Sutton." Detective Sutton and Sarah shakes hands, Dean says "Sutton, Yeah." The Detective and Dean shake hands and Dean says "Hi." A police photographer takes a picture of broken glass in the back of a 4WD vehicle near the victim's body and the Detective says "Sad to say, case looks to be open again."

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