Rufus's Cabin Daytime Week One, Sarah, Sam and Dean are sitting silently in dim light in Rufus' cabin, Sam in a chair, Sarah and Dean on the couch. They all have their hands in their laps and Sam is clenching his hands together, Sam looks over at Sarah and Dean, then away. When Sam is no longer looking directly at them, Dean looks at Sam, then away. Week Two, Dean is drinking whiskey and looking at a clipboard holding a pad of paper on which is written "45489", Sam is washing dishes at the sink and Sarah is in the bathroom, Sam takes an address book out of a drawer and opens it, Dean has added a list below the number: Zip Code, Sec, Lock, V-mail, Password, Bank each item is crossed out.
Week Three, Rufus's Cabin Daytime, Dean pins an article titled "Biggerson's Recalls Contaminated Meat: Customers Report Illness After Eating Turducken Slammers" to a board holding their research. Also on the board are several articles about Dick Roman, whilst doing that Sarah and Sam puts two duffel bags on a table and Sam takes a beer out of the refrigerator "Dean, Sarah you know, um... I wonder if – if we... I mean, should we be telling people? I mean, people he knew."
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Dean ignores the question and asks them both one, "How long ago did I give Frank these numbers? It's been a few weeks, right? What, is he nuts, or is he just being rude?" Sam says "Probably both. Dean, I-I got to ask you a question." Dean says "Unless, of course, something happened to him and he can't get to the phone because a Leviathan ate his face." Sarah says "Yeah, also a possibility." Dean says "We should go check on him." Sam asks "Dean, do you want to call Bobby's people or not?"
Dean asks "W-why is – why is that our job?" Sarah doesn't speak up she is still emotional when it comes to her father, anything else she can talk about, but when it comes to him that's where she draws the line until she's ready." Sam speaks up and says, "Because who else is gonna do it?" Dean says "I'm not calling anybody and right now I don't think Sarah wants too, but if you want to go right ahead." Sam says "I don't want to call anybody, you're kidding me." A phone in one of the duffel bags rings "Well, I'm not getting it." Sarah takes out the phone "Hello?" Girl asks "Is Bobby Singer there?" Sarah says "Uh, no. He's, uh... I-I-it's not, but I'm his daughter."