Chapter 2

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EDITED ON 10/09/2023

Edmund thought back on his first time in Diagon Alley, it was quite an experience but it was a rather nice day especially since his Uncle Remus was narrating stories to Edmund about how he had first encountered his father there or what types of stuff they bought from Zonko's.

Remus had looked very nostalgic as he looked at the ice cream parlour. He had talked about how his mother had mentioned her first date with his father there, how Uncle James hadn't been talking to his father because they were going out on a date.

They had a short conversation about how most think that his father was deemed guilty by the masses and how it wouldn't be wise about telling anyone of his lineage. The conversation was slightly upsetting to Edmund but he was quickly cheered up when they were going to get a wand from Olivanders.

The one Edmund had been using used to be his mothers. But both of his uncles thought it would be best if Edmund would get a wand of his own, a connection with the wand would be far more genuine. The first year didn't really understand wandlore.

The two arrived at the shop and were reprimanded by his uncle Severus for being later than they had discussed. The uncanny thing was when Edmund walked into the shop, the first thing that came from the wandmaker was 'Well, you certainly look like your father' Edmund had given the man a small smile, 'And that'll be your mothers, come on up boy, many options here.' He was handed a wand and he waved with it.

The biggest compliment yet was that he is a lot like his mother. The three paid for the wand and made their way out of the store. They were all quiet as they crossed off the last thing on their to-do list. Now, they were making their way towards King's Cross station.

They walked between the bustling people outside on the square. "I must go now, behave on the train, Edmund." His uncle Severus said with a sharp look. Edmund gave him a toothy grin as he rolled his eyes at the strict tone.

"Yes uncle, when don't I behave?"

Severus gave him a small tug of his lips before he disappeared into the crowd, Edmund tried to follow the man dressed in all black but with his talent he disappeared. "Let's go, Edmund. Before you might miss your train." Lupin said and hurried Edmund inside of the station.

Edmund was glad that he had a cart, he only had to call out and everyone would jump out of the way instantly. Slowly they made their way to the platform and walked through the magical gateway into platform 9 ¾ . He looked at the old-fashioned train and blinked. "Go on now," His uncle Remus urged, "Don't forget to write to me once a week, or let me know if you forgot anything. Or if you just want to talk." Lupin offered and leant down to press a kiss to his forehead. "Remember to have a fun time." He was blabbering a bit down.

The kid smiled at his uncle and nodded, "Ofcourse, uncle." He said and his cart was swiped away from him and was taken towards the back of the train. "I need to go now." Edmund said, nervously as he looked around as people were starting to board.

"Stay safe!"

"Yes!" Edmund called back after smiling at his uncle and boarded the train. He sucked in a breath as he heard the excited chattering onboard. He walked through the corridor of the cart and stopped as he heard his name being called out. "Draco!" He said excitedly as he slid open the door.

The compartment was already filled, safe for one spot. Draco pulled him in for a quick hug as he introduced Edmund to his friends, "This is Edmund Lupin, he's the one with whom I got my flying lessons with." He said, his chest puffed out, proud of what he had accomplished.

Edmund gave them a friendly smile but it wasn't reciprocated when the two boys just looked at him. The darker one just nodded at him and looked back out of the window. "That is Crabbe and Goyle, the quiet one is Zabini." Neither of the two reached over to shake his hand. "We were just talking about Slytherin, we're all going to be in it."

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