Chapter 22

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"Father will arrive later." Edmund said as he patted the tickets in his pocket. "We've got it under control, Arthur." They had woken up early to use the Floo Powder Network and head over to the Weasley's.

Arriving, Ron perked up from their sleepy state and Edmund had to clench his jaw to keep the jealousy at bay on how Hermione had been staying at the Weasley's, hanging out with Ron and Ginny.

During the time Harry moved in for the remainder of the summer vacation, they had bought some new clothes for the boy. Harry looked a lot older in fitted clothes rather than the usual oversized clothes. They looked like they came out of a muggle comic book.

They were supposed to look muggle but Edmund always did, having a preference for muggle clothes rather than musty robes that drag around mud from outside. His brown sweater was pulled over his white shirt which was tucked into his pleated grey pants. Harry had on slightly more, modern clothes.

"This is what they call a denim jacket." Edmund said to Arthur as he had reached over to grab Harry by his jacket, showing off the fabric to the older man. "They use pants fabric for jackets."

"Well that is just absurd." Arthur replied as he took a closer look at Harry's jacket, while Harry had already given up on defending his clothing choices. Edmund saw the misery Harry had been in and dropped the fabric between his fingers. "The girls will be down in a second, dear, I suppose." Arthur said to his wife as he walked away from Edmund to help her out.

Edmund suspiciously looked over to Fred and George as the two were snickering to themselves while staring at him. "What are you two planning this time?" He asked, quietly, not wanting to get them in trouble by their mother.

"Oh nothing." George hummed innocently while Fred just grinned cruelly. Edmund raised his eyebrows in concern and took a step back. He heard footsteps coming from the passageway and Edmund's eyes snapped up to the stairs. There was Hermione and Ginny, a smile came on his face as he recognized her familiar pale and drowsy look.

In France they would wake up early to take a walk around the town, with the whole Granger household up and early, it was clear who was an early bird and who wasn't. Hermione wasn't. "Why do we have to be up so early?" Ginny asked as she sat down at the table.

"We've got a bit of a walk." Edmund hummed. "Good morning." He said to Ginny. "Good morning, Hermione." He gave the girl with the curly hair a smile.

His attention was snapped away from Hermione when Molly sharply exclaimed George's name out. "What is that in your pocket?" She asked.

Edmund shared a look with Harry and the two of them smiled at one another, the chaos of the Wealsey household was something that the two of them had missed, even though Edmund wasn't friends with Ron, it was something he had missed. Especially since he doesn't live in the same neighbourhood anymore.

Edmund dodged the brightly coloured objects that zoomed out of George's pocket and blinked. He had heard about them, the Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Their mother shouted out even more accio's and Edmund decided that it was far safer to sit at the table rather than standing up, he still had to duck a few times.

After it was finally time, the group stood up and Edmund held his hand out towards Hermione. "What?" She asked, looking a bit confused.

"Give me your bag." Edmund said, "I'm not letting you carry it all the way, Harry can take Ginny's, right Harry?" He asked, a bit louder so that Harry can stop joking around with Ron and help out the girls.

"Fine." Hermione grumbled and Edmund gave her a victorious smile. The girl handed over her bag and passed him.

Edmund gently grasped her arm, causing her to look up at him. "You look good, Hermione. I've missed you."

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