Chapter 3

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EDITED ON 11/09/2023

So far, Edmund's favourite class would be transfiguration. His uncle had only briefly touched the subject during his homeschooling days so it was all quite new to him, he enjoyed the theory and just felt the urge to find out more. He sat next to Neville in nearly every class, which was nice, the Hufflepuff boy was a calming presence on him amidst the chaotic class.

Edmund had a habit of frowning whenever Draco talked lately, not because he doesn't like Draco, just his snotty remarks. Once he frowned the whole day so much he had gotten a headache. Of course, Ron would never let Draco's remarks slide and would reply with his sarcastic tone, and eventually Draco would start dragging Edmund's estranged, secret cousin Harry into it all. Annoying Edmund even further.

After a few more days at school and everyone had gotten familiar with one another, the group of first-year Hufflepuffs had decided to study together and maybe work out a sort of weekly study session. Suddenly, they were approached by Cedric Diggory who held a calendar in his hand. "Do you know of our calendar system?" He asked.

The students looked up at him, curious as to why the most adored boy of the grade would approach them. "We have a calendar for every year," He said and held it up. "Most of the time it is just for keeping track of birthdays, or events that we hold." He gave them a sneaky smile and winked, "Sometimes it is for our parties."

Edmund raised his eyebrows, in one of his mother's old memories, she had once been invited to a Hufflepuff party by a boy who fancied her back then. It was clear to say that she had partied for the whole night with Edmund's father. Cedric gave the calendar to the closest person to him, Edmund and waved before walking off with his friends. "Let's start with Neville." He suggested.

The calendar quickly made its way around the table and most of the birthdays weren't happening until the next month. Edmund pursed his lips as he wrote down his birthday. "Ed?" Susan called out after he had hung the calendar up on the pinboard.

"Yeah?" He turned around to look at her.

"Your birthday was on the second day of school?" She questioned.

He nodded and smiled at her, "I turned 12." He hummed and didn't notice Neville and Susan sharing a look, instead he was preoccupied with the older student who just walked into the common room. The students looked very confused.

"Theseus?" The older student called out as she looked over to the first-years studying.

Edmund blinked a few times and remembered that his second name was just called out, "Yeah, that's me." He answered.

"Professor Snape is asking for you."

The study table began to whisper amongst themselves and Edmund blushed, his neck felt warm. He looked over at his empty spot, littered with books. "Could you put my books in my trunk?" He asked Neville, "When you're going back to our room?" He looked around and frowned at the curious eyes, "I shouldn't Professor Snape wait." One of the older students snorted, as if he was saying that it was an understatement and obvious.

Edmund laughed weakly when Justin dramatically stood up and saluted him. Edmund shrugged off his robes, leaving him in his Hufflepuff sweater. He walked out of the Hufflepuff common room entrance and down into the dungeons.

He likes the short walk, but rather dislikes the humidity in the dungeons, it makes his hair go flat and just not the way he likes it. He knocked on the door of Professor Snape's office. His first potions class would be that week, on Friday. Two hours, just enough time for good potions, good, not great.

"Come in." The monotone voice of his uncle rang out.

Edmund smiled as he opened the door, looking at his uncle. His uncle likes it whenever he smiles, so he did it the most around him as it reminded his uncle of his late best friend. "You called for me, uncle?"

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