Chapter 23

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"Rita Skeeter is such a pest." Edmund grimaced as he closed the paper that just came in the mail. She had written about the culprits apprehended by his father, stating that his father was just having a meeting with his old pals. It infuriated Edmund how she always writes into the heads of people, sewing doubt. His father had won that trial and was finally named innocent.

"Who's Rita Skeeter?" Harry asked from the couch. Edmund looked over at his new brother and cringed.

"A journalist," Edmund answered, "She always writes on false information and misreported interviews, you have no clue how many people have been lured by her. What respected journalists write about rumours?" Harry just raised his eyebrow and nodded slowly.

His mentor, Albus Dumbledore had many unsavoury moments with the journalist. The man had even gone out of his way to say that if Edmund ever came in contact with her, that the boy had to keep short answers, as one cannot just escape from Rita Skeeter.

The door opened and Edmund looked up at his father who put two trunks on the floor. "Have you boys prepared yet?" The unworn trunk was Edmund's as he didn't have to use it very often, unlike Harry who would go between houses during the summer vacations. "It says here that you must have a dress robe, but I have not gone out yet and bought one for you two."

"It'll be fine, father. We'll find a place." Edmund said and nudged the paper to the otherside. He knew that his father despises Rita Skeeter, especially since she was closely following the trial.

"Nonsense, I'll contact a store in Hogsmeade, he has been making dress clothing for all the Black's for years." His father said, "But for the rest you've got everything?"

The two boys nodded and before they knew it, the first day of school came on a rainy day. They stood there, dressed, walking around the station. Their father had said goodbye already by the house since they knew that him being there would just gain negative attention.

Edmund waved at some familiar faces with the usual smile on his face but it faltered when some didn't wave back. He just took a deep breath and continued down the perron of 9 ¾. His step especially faltered when Harry casted him a concerned look, then it meant that Harry saw it too.

The moment the two of them landed their eyes on the Weasley's they walked over to them. Edmund smiled at Molly and greeted the rest of the family, everyone of the family was happy to see him except for Ron, who he greeted Edmund with an eyeroll.

They happily chatted before Edmund started to hurry Harry onto the train, he couldn't ignore the sound of pistons hissing loudly. "We'll find out eventually!" Edmund said, "If your family knows everyone their parents will know as well." He helped each one get up on the train and Fred even tried one last attempt to get information out of his mother.

He was kept in the dark as well, figuring with Edmund being Dumbledore's apprentice would get him more information. It made his mind go wild. "Oof." he let out a breath as someone hastily bumped into him.

"Excuse me Edmund. That wasn't on purpose." Edmund raised his eyebrows at Lavender. "Have you seen-"

"He has already gone with Harry and Hermione into a compartment." Edmund said and smiled at her.

"Why don't you join me?" She offered him an invite.

Edmund smiled politely, "No thank you. I'm going to look for Neville."

Lavender nodded, "Where Neville is, is Susan and Padma." She hummed, "I saw Padma near the end of the train." She said.

Edmund smiled and nodded at her. "Thank you, Lavender. I'll see you at school, yeah?"

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