Chapter 11

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EDITED ON 19/09/2023

Hermione had asked the History of Magic Professor about the Chamber of Secrets and in some weird way the Professor paled, even though Professor Binns is a ghost. It might have been the most exciting lesson that Edmund ever had before. After the exciting class full of information they wouldn't be able to get in the history books they were walking through the halls. "If I were sorted into Slytherin I would have gotten the train straight back home." Ron muttered and Hermione was agreeing with the Weasley. Both Edmund and Harry stayed quiet, Harry seemed to be in deep thoughts so Edmund decided to speak and break the silence.

"There used to be a family who would disown you if you weren't sorted into Slytherin, I think many of the Sacred Twenty-Eight families." Edmund glanced over at Ron. "Except for your family, Ron."

Colin Creevly walked past them in the hall and Edmund smiled as he saw the bounce in Colin's step. The boy was very excited to be walking among the Hogwarts halls, it looked like the boy wasn't scared off by the attack. "Hey, Harry, Edmund!"

"Hey Colin." Harry said automatically, having encountered the boy many times a day. Edmund gave him a nod and a smile.

"Harry," Colin hummed as the boy fell into step with the second-years. "A boy in my class has been saying that you're the-" A new wave of students washed through the already crowded corridor and Colin was being pushed back by a whole lot of students. The mousy boy doesn't stand a chance.

"What is a boy in Colin's class saying about you?" Hermione wondered, "That you're-"

"Slytherin's heir." Harry said, sounding tired of that being insinuated. Harry was the first one to come across the sign of the attack, and across the petrified body of Mrs. Norris.

Edmund cringed. "Justin has been a bit on his toes around," He shook his head, a bit disappointed in his fellow Hufflepuff for being so easily swayed. "He shouldn't believe any rumours."

"Where are Neville and Susan, Edmund?" Ron asked, with a tone that Edmund couldn't identify. "Normally you're always on their sides." Ron said and Edmund recognized the tone. The ginger was bitter that he was spending more time with his Hufflepuff friends instead of them.

Edmund frowned at the Weasley, "They're both sick today, caught some bug, I believe." He paused for a second, wondering if he should ask it but decided it was better to know rather than not knowing. "Are you mad that I am spending more time with them, Ron?"

"You're our friend too." Ron muttered.

Edmund nodded, "I am." He walked into Harry who had suddenly stopped. Edmund looked at the blood and letters written on the wall, it was the very corridor where the first attack had happened. "That is where Filch has been keeping guard." Edmund said as he looked over at the chair.

The three of them, Harry, Hermione and Ron started to poke around as Edmund just stood there with a slightly disturbed look on his face. "Scorch marks!" Harry exclaimed and Hermione was muttering something next to Edmund, "Have you ever seen spiders act like that?" Edmund tilted his head in curiosity and took a closer look. The spiders were fighting to get through a single crack.

"Ron?" Harry called out for the only boy who was missing.

Edmund stepped back and put a comforting hand on Ron's shoulder, "He doesn't like spiders, you guys."

Harry looked a bit confused, "I never knew that." The boy furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Ron. "You've used spiders in potions loads of times-"

"I don't mind them dead, you know." Ron shuddered under Edmund's hand. "I just don't like the way they move." The ginger was about to explain why he was so scared of them after Hermione had laughed at him, or well, giggled.

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