Chapter 9

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EDITED ON 17/09/2023

The train was filled with Edmund frowning and being worried and Hermione being worried but fussing about it. Everytime Edmund would try to make conversation, it would be one-sided. The only thing that could get Hermione out of her fussing was talking about what they prepared in the summer to be ready for their second year at Hogwarts.

Edmund didn't utter a word about the dinner he had attended at the Malfoy Manor, especially after Lucius' and Arthur's public fight. He felt embarrassed as well, the guilt was still heavy on his mind but the embarrassment was worse. If he were to say what he did at the house, everyone would be asking questions. What kind of family friend had brought him to the Malfoy's and such.

The worry was gnawing at him when he noticed that neither Harry or Ron showed up for the sorting ceremony. Along with the Weasley twins, Percy, they and Edmund had clapped the loudest in the crowd when Ginny was sorted into Gryffindor. Neville and Susan whispered comforting words after they picked up on Edmund's worries, due to observing him fidgeting with his necklace.

Edmund sat in his uncle's office, after the sorting ceremony, not staying for the feast. He was lazing around and quite honestly wasn't in the mood to celebrate his birthday with the other Hufflepuffs. He paged through some potions book that his uncle was studying, whistling a tune and eventually sitting back down and fidgeting with his necklace. He had brought a few more memories with him to school, it was the best thing that Edmund could think about to help with coping with all of his increased stress about everything.

He was looking through a memory of his Uncle Remus on Edmund's mother's 17th birthday. It wasn't a quiet affair at all, since it was Uncle James' birthday as well. His father, Sirius had gone all out for them especially since he was the older one of the group, being able to use magic without being traced and reprehended.

Edmund's favourite gift that his father had gifted his mother and uncle were the enchanted fireworks.

His head snapped to the side when the door was pushed open out of nowhere. "Harry? Ron?" He questioned with a confounded look on his face. The two boys were roughed up, hair was a mess and their clothes were slightly torn. "What are you-" he wanted to ask what they're doing here but he straightened his back when Professor Snape walked into the room.

"They are here to be punished for their insolence." His uncle said sharply, but looked a bit curious as he glanced at his nephew. "What are you doing here, Mr. Lupin?" He asked.

Edmund glanced between his friends and then his uncle, "I was concerned, sir." He said, deliberately pausing before continuing, "About my potions homework." He lied. Under the guidance and watchful eye of his uncle he had turned into a potions prodigy.

"Why don't we talk about it later?" Snape dismissed him and turned to his two Gryffindor friends with disdain on his face. "Why don't you wait with your friends, while I get some staff who can do something about this." His uncle snapped and threw a paper on Harry's lap. "Fame wasn't enough, was it Potter?" He questioned, annoyance etched across his face and he swiftly exited through his door.

"Merlin." Edmund blinked as he snatched the newspaper from Harry's hands. "Seriously? Saving Harry from his house in a flying car wasn't enough of a ride, you had to drive across the country as well?"

"The barrier of the platform was broken. We couldn't get in." The ginger explained it all and Edmund sucked in a breath. He wasn't sure what to feel but all he knows is that they won't be expelled, and he said so, explaining that they're underage. He also mentioned that they wouldn't be safe from getting detention for a long time.

"Did you damage the tree?" Edmund asked, his eyes wide.

"That old tree?" Ron scoffed, "I think it did more damage to us than we did to the tree."

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