Chapter 7

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Edmund walked into the hospital wing with haste, he let out a breath of relief when he saw that Neville was asleep on one of the beds. With a frown on his face, Edmund sat down beside the boy on an empty chair and sighed, "Didn't get to see us win, did you now?" Edmund whispered and rested his back against the chair, it was hurting from ducking and leaning away to not get hit by any bludgers.

"-father will hear about this!" Edmund heard and at the voice his head snapped up. Watching as Draco walked out from behind a curtain with a black eye. Concerned swelled up inside of him but then he looked over at Neville.

He stood up and walked over to Draco before the boy could walk away. "What happened?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" Draco spat and looked over at Neville. "You blood traitors deserve everything." He spat out and Edmund's theories were confirmed. The boy didn't care anymore and treated him like any other friend of his. He must've looked taken aback because Draco had an expression of regret on his face. "I'm sor-"

"All you've done so far is tormenting all of my friends." Edmund interrupted the pureblood supremacist. "You just called me a blood traitor." He said and moved back from him, his heart bottoming out, "Don't, please don't, talk to me anymore." He whispered. Draco took a step to his friend but turned around after he saw the expression on Edmund's face, it pained him to have insulted his friend like that. Draco knew that Edmund sees everyone as a human, and that there is no superior being. They had discussed it countless times.

Edmund watched as he watched the empty shell of whatever used to be his friend walk away. He sat back down beside Neville and opened the leather bound book, unconsciously fidgeting with his necklace. His head was racing and distracting him from his reading. With a sigh, he held his necklace out in front of him and casted the projection spell. "I want to be a teacher here-" He heard her voice and his heart calmed down.

"She was a lovely student, but very clumsy." A voice said and Edmund looked up at the drawn back curtain.

"Madam Pomfrey." He let out a breath, "I-"

"Was looking at your mother. I know dear." She said with a small smile, "The resemblance to your father is uncanny." He looked down at his wand and gulped. "I don't believe that he is capable of what he did, Mr. Lupin." the healer said.

"You should head off to bed, Lupin." The matron said and looked at Neville, "It's late so I'd rather have him sleep here instead of taking the long way down to his dorm."

Edmund scrambled onto his feet and grabbed the book from the tableside and nodded, "Thank you, Madam Pomfrey." said Edmund quietly. It was a comfort that others thought that his father didn't commit the murders.

"Your father never had a shy look on his face." She called out before he could walk through the open door, "That's good." She hummed, "You're your own person, Mr. Lupin. Despite all the similarities, remember that."


In the library he studied hard for the upcoming exams, yes he was starting prematurely but he didn't care. He would be disappointed in himself if he had to stay behind for a year, nonetheless the disappointment that his Uncle Severus would feel, his teacher or the disappointment that his Uncle Remus would feel, the scholar.

Neville hadn't showed up to study yet, stating that it was too early, Susan agreed with him. So naturally he sat with the first people who he recognized. "Hey Hermione." He smiled at her and set his books down. Looking over at her pages, he recognized a study schedule. "You're doing better than I am already." He said humorously.

Hermione looked up and smiled back at him, "Do you want a copy?" She asked excitedly.

He shook his head, "I think it is better that I make my own schedule." He smiled at her, it quickly faltered as Harry and Ron sat down at the table as well.

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