Chapter 8

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If the air could be filled with anxiety it would be something that Edmund would use when everyone was sitting by their respective house tables, waiting to hear about the house cup winner of the year 1991-1992. The Hufflepuffs all shared glances with each other and the hourglass filled with their scores. They had all worked hard, working and studying to earn points for the badgers.

"The house cup needs to be awarded." Dumbledore said and the Hufflepuff table drummed their table in anticipation, earning a small smile from their headmaster. "Gryffindor, with 312 points, Slytherin with 352 points, Hufflepuff-" Cheering, "with 465 points." Everyone in yellow smiled at each other. "Ravenclaw with 472 points." A dramatic pause, the headmaster was a man of theatre anyhow, "However, recent events must be taken into account. A few last-minute points must be dealt into the hands of those who deserved it."

"To Mr. Ronald Weasley. For the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points." Edmund looked over to see Ron blushing, looking very flustered as friends patted his back and his perfect brother, Percy, bragging about it to his friends.

"Second, to Miss Hermione Granger. For using logic and her intellectual ability like a true Ravenclaw. I award Ravenclaw house fifty points." Padma was smiling cheek to cheek at Hermione. Many looked at the bushy-haired girl with beaming smiles. She had a blush that adorned her face that made Edmund's heart skip a beat.

"Third, to Mr. Edmund Lupin." A small wink, "I award Hufflepuff seventy points. He had saved a friend from the troll, like a loyal caring hufflepuff and he had done it yet again, saving his friend from harm and protecting him. An additional ten points, for starting the study club in his house, pushing them to show their hard work to reflect in their scholar abilities."

Hands clapped Edmund's back and he smiled at everyone, his quidditch team was cheering the loudest, ready to support him at every turn he took. They had taken him in like a little brother, a little brother who had helped them win the quidditch inter-house cup.

"Fourth, to Mr. Harry Potter. I award Gryffindor house sixty points." Cheering was loud, the loudest it has ever been so far. "Which means, we need a little change of decoration." He clapped his hands. In an instant, the green banners from last year became black and the silver became yellow. The huge Slytherin serpent vanished and a towering Badger took its place.

Professor Flitwick was shaking Professor Sprouts' hand with a glowing smile and they were talking feverishly before turning back to look at their students with an appraising smile. Proud of what they had accomplished.

Talking about accomplishments, the morning after they got their grades back. Edmund looked at Hermione's grades and then back at his. They were nearly identical, only Hermione's was just a bit better, always the scholar. He could tell that he had surprised her a bit with his grades.

The train ride was filled with discussions about spending their vacations together, except for a quiet Harry, whom Edmund had impulsively lended out an invite to spend his summer with him.

That summer he had spent a weekend at the Weasley's, they were happy to take him in. Normally he'd be with his uncle Severus but the man had a dinner party at the Malfoy's, where he wished to be no part of it. Something in him said that Draco would just berate every single one of his friends, even he could find something about the nicest girl of Hufflepuff and completely destroy her.

"Welcome to the Burrow." A red-headed woman greeted him and pulled him in for a hug. "Oh my, you're quite the handsome boy." She complimented and he blushed. "It's been such a long time since you've last been here."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." He said quietly and laughing interrupted his flustered state as he looked up at Fred and George, who were laughing at him.

"He's quite the charmer, mum." Fred quipped with a teasing grin.

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