Chapter 15

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EDITED ON 20/09/2023

July was filled with surprises, something that wasn't as big of a surprise was that his uncles had decided that Edmund was going to need to train twice as often, on the physical training and the magical training. Edmund didn't see it coming at what intensity it did. His Uncle Moony was glad that Edmund was still alive after the Basilisk bite and thought that it was a good idea to personally train him.

When Edmund ran from the Basilisk his legs nearly gave out, despite having a slithering motivation right behind him. His uncle didn't like the thought of him being eaten by a huge ancient snake. So July was filled with training, running around the whole village and its outer corners, lifting weights that uncle Remus had gotten from an old gym of a neighbouring village.

It was nice that he shot up in height as well. He was just a bit taller than his uncle Snape, just shorter than his uncle Remus. 'Unusually tall' Severus said, 'That is what your mother would've said.' Of course, Edmund just laughed and agreed. His uncle Severus was a bit bitter about it.

The magical aspect of his training was training his occlumency with his uncle Severus. They agreed to only push and look for the happy memories that they have together, nothing else. They also agreed to train Edmund's legilimency, having decided it is a good skill to have both. His uncle Severus told Edmund that his occlumency is as skilled as Gellert Grindelwald.

Edmund and Dumbledore met two days every week, for Edmund's apprenticeship. Two days in a row Edmund arrived outside of the Hogwarts gate, early in the morning and then he would stay for a night and then leave late in the evening. By the time July was over he had learnt a lot, under the wing of Dumbledore.

He was learning Mermish and Latin. On the side he was learning out of the Greek book that his Uncle Severus had slid over to him. Dumbledore knows, as that is what he does, knowing. Edmund had decided that he prefers Greek over Latin, as it made him feel more connected to his mother.

Not only was he learning new languages but was learning how to harness his skill in wandless and non-verbal magic. Edmund just couldn't get the hang of doing both of them at once. During his stay at Hogwarts, he had gotten familiar with the newest Professors that he was going to get for his chosen electives. The Arithmancy professor was nice, excited to have him in his class. Study of Ancient Runes was going to be a breese, Edmund knew what he was doing and Care of Magical Creatures was someone who he already was familiar with.

Edmund knew that the biggest surprise that every Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw was going to get was that Hagrid is going to be their professor, Slytherin isn't going to like it. In Dumbledore's office, Edmund looked out of the window and at Hagrid's hut. He wondered how the half-giant was going to handle a full class.

The Malfoy's had asked him to dinner again. Edmund agreed, thinking that it was time to finally wise up and talk with Draco. They had a decent conversation, that certainly will be hard to hold up to for Draco. The agreement was that he'd stop using the word mudblood at school, or at least when he is not in the common room. Just not in front of anyone who would care, such as Edmund.

Edmund agreed to study with Draco once a week, or try to as both their schedules are pretty tight due to Quidditch training and their new electives. He had called a bit with Hermione, mostly talking about their excitement to start the new year. He told Hermione about his training with his uncle and how his Duelling had gotten much better.

She told him about her upcoming trip to France with her parents. How she wasn't that excited because, well, they always go to France and they always go to the same place and how boring the repetition is. She'd rather go somewhere else for a change.

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