Chapter 6

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Harry's discovery of the mirror was something that left a bad taste in Edmund's mouth, the boy enjoyed seeing himself with his parents in the mirror but the hard reality was that his mother is dead and that his father, a renowned serial killer in both muggle and the magical world is imprisoned in Azkaban.

He refused to join Harry for another trip to the mirror, he couldn't handle seeing his parents a second time. Especially when he was leaving to go to his Uncle Remus in a week. He felt guilt, when he saw himself in the mirror with his parents instead of his uncles, the ones who actually raised him ever since he was six and motherless. He was grateful for his uncles and wouldn't change a thing.

Edmund stepped out of the fire and saw the inside of his house, he had missed being home. Uncle Severus started walking around as if he had a million things to do, knowing him, he probably had a whole to-do list made up in his mind. Edmund clicked his tongue as he fondly looked around, the house had minimal Christmas decorations, but it was enough to make him feel the Christmas spirit.

A tree was set up in the living room with warm lights that reflected onto the stained wooden floor, the presents under the tree would make any kid excited, Edmund is no exception. He already knew that his uncles had gotten him a broom, an early present, but he wondered what else they would've gotten for him.

He looked over at the familiar fabric chair that his uncle always sits on. Uncle Moony sat there, smiling up at him. "What did I hear? You're a quidditch player now?" He asked, with an amused tone.

Edmund blushed and nodded, bashfully. "I'm a chaser for the Hufflepuff team." He told his Uncle and dropped his shoulder bag down to the ground to sit down on the couch. "Weren't you a bit disappointed when you found out that I wasn't a Gryffindor?" He asked, quietly. This insecurity had been eating at him for a while, he knew that his uncle Severus didn't have a problem, but his Uncle Remus was someone who he hadn't talked with in a while.

"Not at all," Remus frowned, looking a bit concerned about the thoughts his nephew was having, the very same little boy he had the pleasure of raising. "I still love you regardless of what house you were sorted into." He paused for a moment and looked away from the tree, "Your mother and I were nearly sorted into Hufflepuff, did you know?"

Edmund blinked at the new information and looked over at his uncle, "Really?"

Severus was standing by the door, watching his nephew and co-guardian interact. He regrets not having Edmund around as much as Remus had but it was for the best, especially with his standing reputation as a death-eater. The pureblood boy would have been an amazing addition to the Slytherin house, but he very well knew that the boy was, by heart, a Hufflepuff.

"The Malfoys have asked me if you would like to join them for dinner tomorrow." Snape announced, interrupting the moment between the two of them. A great deal of emotions swept over Edmund's expressions, the boy looked up and swallowed, shaking his head. "May I ask why?"

Grimacing, Edmund thought about his answer and looked up at his potions teacher. He had to remind himself that the potions teacher is his uncle first and teacher second. "Draco is a bit mean, and rude." Edmund said, "He had been teasing Neville regardless of me asking him to stop, he said something about Harry and Ron that were just, so unlike him."

"Were they said to you?" Severus countered.

"Well, no-" Edmund started but was quickly interrupted by his uncle.

"Indeed, I know that you care for your friends." His uncle hissed, he wasn't the biggest fan of having a Weasley or even Harry around him. "But Draco is your friend as well-"

"Don't be like that, Severus." Lupin said from his seat, frowning at the Potions Master. "If Edmund doesn't want to spend time with the Malfoy's then so be it. Besides, Edmund doesn't look very comfortable having dinner with a bully-"

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