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He woke up that next morning alone. He sighs dreamily before sitting up, eyes scanning the room. His ears perked up, listening for any noise. He received nothing. So, he got up and made his way through her apartment in search. As he walked back into her room he heard the shower start in her bathroom.

He smiled to himself slightly, climbing back into bed. He waits for a good thirty minutes and another ten as the blow-dryer starts. He rolls around in her comfortable blankets, enjoying the smell of her.

Once she exits the bathroom, looking as beautiful as ever, she gives Harry a hesitant look. He's still shirtless and wrapped up in the fluffy covers. Her eyes wander his tattooed arm just as they wandered his chest last week at their date.

"Would you care to lay shirtless with me a bit longer?" Harry asks cheekily, eyes traveling down to her exposed breasts of her favorite v-neck. She pulls it up a bit, sighing before leaving the room.

Harry is quick to jump up and follow after. He watches her hips sway in rhythm as she walks to the kitchen, pouring a small cup of cat food out for the cat in its bowl. He can't force himself to look away as she bends over either.

She's not drunk, she's fully sober. He shouldn't have to resist her now, she's a grown woman.

"Well, I am starved. You hungry, Harry?" She asks sweetly, her voice in a completely different tone than last night.

He smirks, "Are we ignoring last night's events?"

"It's not like we had sex. We can both be adults about this, yeah?" She stands back up, turning to face him.

"Or we could be hormonal teenagers and not be adults about this," he mutters. He steps up to her, placing his hands on her hips. She's quick to smack his arms but he doesn't budge.

"Harry," she warns. Her eyes look at him with regret. Of course she didn't want to be drunk in front of her boss who somewhat had a crush on her. Of course she didn't want him taking care of her. She was old enough to care for herself.

"You admitted you like me last night."

"Trust me, I remember embarrassing myself."

"Good, because I remember quite well, also," he pressed his fore head to hers, pulling her closer by her hips. She pulls back slightly, only to be pulled back in. He gives her a serious face for a moment then grins like an idiot, "I still can't believe you have a crush on me."

"I don't-"

"Oh, no. There's no denying it now. So, what's for breakfast?" He asks, releasing her from his grip.

She clears her throat, "Uhm, yeah. Breakfast..." she sighs. She looks in the fridge, then the pantry. "How about some McDonald's?"

"Sounds great, I'll buy."

"Can we maybe just get it to go and," she pauses hesitantly, "I don't know. Maybe just come back here or," she stops.

He smirks, looking down at her. "Or my place?" He asks. She nods sheepishly with red cheeks. He presses a firm kiss to her cheek. "It's whatever you want, doll."

"I- Could you please not call me that?" She mutters. Harry only laughs, searching for his shirt. He was definitely going to take advantage of every second he had with her. He knew her true feelings and he would make her admit them, soberly, sooner or later.


Well, 562 words not including the authors note. Sounds good to me.

Ugh. I know I'm updating A LOT. But I'm kinda having serious problems right now and writing helps me idk escape I guess.

Just bare with me through these crazy updates. I feel like I'm rushing and jumbling everything together just so I can write because writing is my life and this is my FAV story.

Ugh I love you all.

Check out my other stories. Vote, comment. Whateverrrr just love you guys.


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