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"Hi, Dad."

Her father's scrunched up into a horrid expression, looking from her to Harry. He puts his hands on his hips as he eyes their locked arms, "Is there something you two want to tell me?"

"Sir, if you'd just hear me out--"

"I don't want to hear from you. Ashton, tell me what the hell is going on between you two."

She rolls her eyes, "As if it's any of your business."

"Oh, but it is."

"Harry needed a date to the gala. I accepted his off because we both had to attend anyway," she replies.

Harry felt a pang to his chest. Did she only come with him because she had to attend the gala and didn't want to be alone? What about the kisses they had exchanged? Surely, a broken girl like Ashton wouldn't lead him on. She knew better.

"If you'll excuse us, Jackson. We have important business to take up on with our new merger," Harry says over top of their bickering once he notices Liam Payne across the room.

Jackson opened his mouth to protest, but Harry was pulling Ash across the room towards Liam. "Harry," she mutters, squirming in his grip.

He releases her, placing his hand on the small of her back, "I want you to have fun with me tonight. I don't want you worrying about your father and his ignorance."

"Harry, it's your job that you're risking, not mine."


After too much business talk with way too many men and three shots later, Harry had loosened up a bit more. Ash had only gotten worse, worrying over the smallest details that no one had noticed. She went over the conversations in her head, picking out the stupid things she'd said and scolding herself. 

They were currently seated at a table in the middle section of the large room watching other guests talk. Harry was just on the verge of being tipsy, through all these years of drinking he knew it would take more than just three shots of tequila to knock him down. 

"Well, don't you two look cozy," said an all-too-familiar voice. 

Harry's head snaps up quickly, standing to hug the man. "Lou, how are you?"

"Eh, I've been better," he grins down at Ash. "I'm assuming you're Ashton. I've heard so much about you."

Ash stands to shake the man's feminine hands. She smiles warmly, guessing that this must be one of Harry's close friends since she hadn't seen him greet anyone this happily all night. "That's me," she mutters, wondering how he had heard so much.

Her and Harry aren't even dating. Sure, they've kissed a few times and this is somewhat of a 'date', but she didn't know how seriously to take Harry. Or men, for that matter. She also wondered if Harry really did like her as good as he let on, he must if he was going around telling everyone about her.

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