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That next day, Harry dropped her off at her apartment before heading to work. She showered and dressed before heading to work also. The office was quiet today and her stomach was doing flips thinking of the night before.

She even purposely wandered into the break room, a room she didn't go to because she had to interact with others, just to see him. He had ruined her; infected her with this awful poison. She wanted him more than ever. It was decided, she wouldn't overthink anymore. Her mind wouldn't get the best of her once again, no. This time she's going to let things play out in fate.

That idea seemed best since she's not that great at relationships. She enters the break room quietly, eyes roaming the small room. Harry wasn't there. Marisa was conversing with a girl in the corner, hadn't even noticed Ash as she made her way to the fridge to look over her choices of drinks and such.

Could Marisa be talking about her? Telling other people her secrets too?

Of course Marisa didn't know the full story or any important details like she had thought. That also meant Harry didn't know those things like he thought he did, so she would have to tell him some time. 

A hand lands on the small of her back, "Have an idea of where that lovely boyfriend of yours is?" 

His voice makes the hairs on her neck stand up and her mind rush. Harry hated him, a man, the same man touching her currently. Chip Williams. He was too close for comfort and as if this situation couldn't have gotten worse, Harry struts through the door.

"Chip, hands to yourself," Harry practically growls, trying not to make it too obvious that he was fond of Ashton.

The man's squeaky voice lets out a rumble of a laugh. "Relax, Styles. No need to get catty, I came for business," he raised a daring eyebrow, dropping his hand from her back.

Not many people were paying attention to the small group because they were all too invested in their own groups. "My office then, yeah?"

Chip takes Ashton's hand, pulling it up to his lips softly. "So great to see you again, maybe next time Harry won't be a bother," he says just loud enough for Harry to catch on. He releases her hand and makes his way out the door.

"Tell me if he bothers you again, I don't want you to worry over him. He's an ass," Harry says quietly. She forces a small smile, upset that she didn't get a few moments with Harry in the way she'd thought. "I'll see you later?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. He kisses her cheek quickly before exiting himself.


That night she arrived a bit early to her home because her new job was just too easy. She never knew helping run the company would be a breeze. Once she stripped herself down, her hand began digging through her dresser drawers to find something comfy. The first thing she pulls out is Nick's sweater. Her chest aches and she lays it out on her bed, staring at it.

Should she rid of it? She did have Harry now, not like they're official or anything, right? Maybe she should keep it in case she needs it. Her small kitten runs circles around her feet. She doesn't give it attention, though.

She left the sweater there, pulling out some leggings and a tee. Once she is fully dressed, she makes her a frozen pizza. As she waits for it to cook, the cat is fed and the couch becomes occupied. The TV was on but instead of watching it, her eyes were glued to a small cabinet beside her TV stand.

She couldn't do it.

But, it was just so tempting.



After Chip had annoyed him to no end, he finished up his work before leaving his office. He didn't go to her apartment like his mind had begged him to. He didn't stop at his favorite place to eat on his way home.

He went straight home. His apartment had never been more quiet. Her beautiful laugh wasn't flowing through the walls of the home. Her arms weren't waiting for him in his bed. He missed her already, he was a love drunken fool. 

He wonders what she's doing right now. Is she eating? Cuddling with her cat? Is she thinking of him? He did have her number. Would she ignore him? Surely not, she was in the break room today. Ashton is never there. She doesn't even like the food or drinks.


Hi, beautiful. Just checking up on you.

He waited minutes, those minutes turned into an hour. During that hour he kept busy, changed out of his clothes and cleaned. He was worried, and now he felt like an idiot for even messaging her. He had gave up. Just as he pulls back the covers of his fluffy bed, his phone vibrates against the nightstand.

He looks at the screen. She was calling him. He slides his finger over the screen, pulling the phone up to his ear. He didn't know if he was ready for this.

"Harry, I--" she pauses. Her voice sounds different, he suspects its just bad reception on the phone. "I think I might need you. C-Come to my house," she mutters through the phone.

She didn't have bad reception. She was drunk. A beautifully, broke girl laying at home in her own sorrow. His heart cried out for her, ached with pain. He didn't make things different, he didn't change anything. The past is the past, and Ashton wasn't going to heal. She was broken, and it would always be that way.

"I'll be there in ten," he replies, voice straining. 

He was a mess in himself, how could he fix this broken girl? Better yet, how could he take care of her and himself until she was okay again? He didn't know anything, he was in to deep. Tonight, the real Ashton Kingsley would come out, and he wasn't prepared for that.



ik ik you guys hate me. I didnt' update like I was supposed to ugh. 

School's stressful. okayyy, anyway ily guys. Like thissssss close to getting 1k votes on this whole story. It makes me happy. But then again I'm sad bc look how far we are into the book! Ugh, idk what to dooo. this wasn't edited btw nver is bc i'm lazy

If you guys haven't hear Migrane by Twenty-One Pilots, can i just say you haven't lived. It literally sums up my life into a song. My bf hates them but thats okay bc I hate him bahglkahgaldj.

HOw do you Hate TUyler omg i'm dying.

hatnks so much bote and comment i'm dying rn

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