✧. ┊Chapter 2: The Ordinary World..?

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ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

✧˚ · . No warnings!

"Ugh...College is lame..." I proceeded to do nothing but groan and complain after another boring day of the same classes and putting up with annoying guys.

"Oh, come on (Y/N), it's not that bad!" Hide proceeds to laugh at me. Kaneki just sighs at the two of us. We all sat together in a small cafe together at a table. Not much was going on around. Small chatter from people inside, the strong smell of coffee, buzz of the lights and ticking of the fans on the ceiling. I wish the small noises could drown out the small TV. There was talk of another ghoul attack. Ugh what a world we live in.

I guess I don't hate ghouls entirely. For most, it's not their fault. But the rest cause so many problems...it's hard to pick a side around here. Hide and Kaneki don't know about my mom. Which is for the best, I pretend to know very little about ghouls so nobody would raise their suspicions about me, even though my dad is an investigator. I just pretend to put no interest towards the topic, and nobody ever asks why. Which is good.

I'm brought back out from my thoughts as Hide starts up another conversation. Hide sighs then looks over at Kaneki.

"Ghouls huh...heh I'd bet you'd get eaten right away Kaneki, you're such a nerd always reading those books" Hide continues to joke with Kaneki.
"They're not weird Hide...besides you should expose yourself to more writing Hide."
Kaneki shot back at Hide. Hide just sighs. They continue their talk about what they think ghouls are. It's simple they are people disguised as regular humans in everyday life. Hide chirps up again.

"I bet you're a ghoul Kaneki!"

Kaneki scoffs at Hide "Yeah right, if I was a ghoul...you'd be dead already." I see them both grab a piece of paper...? Oh! Are we drawing! I get a pen out as well. I also joked with Hide and drew Kaneki. Hide and I giggled over our dumb drawings of Kaneki. Kaneki was so done with us, then Hide looked over at Kaneki again.

"So... Kaneki which one is the cute girl you've been talking about!" Hide suddenly says out of nowhere. My curiosity was peaked.

"Kaneki! I didn't know you had an interest in somebody! Oh! Who's the lucky lady~!" I teased Kaneki and Hide looked around.

"Guys come on! Keep it down! (And stop looking around Hide!)" Kaneki nervously yelled quietly to Hide.

"Hm...? Is that her Kaneki?" Hide points to the female worker with short purple hair and bangs covered her left eye. I'd admit myself...she is kind of cute. 

What am I saying I'm not into girls! At least I don't think I am...?

Kaneki quickly shook his head. "No, she works here, I was talking about a customer." Suddenly Hide sits way up in his chair and turns around and calls out the female waiter and waves frantically for her attention. It caught both Kaneki and I off guard. Geez Hide come on.

"Excuse me! Can you take our order! I'll have a cappuccino! (What do you guys want.?)" Hide turned to us Kaneki just responded with an ice coffee, I said I'd take {Favorite Coffee}. The waiter wrote down our order then Hide perked up again. "Oh, sorry but-! Could I ask your name?" The waiter looked at him.

"It's Touka Kirishima."

"Touka-San!!! Are you seeing anyone!!" Hide suddenly got up from his chair and got close to the poor waiter. She got frightened and quickly ran off. Kaneki and I glared at Hide. And started to scold him.

"Ugh. Hide I wasn't talking about-" Kaneki looked over at the door when the doorbell went off and a taller lady with glasses and long dark hair walked in. Hide and I look at each other than at the woman who walked in. Then back at Kaneki. Hide and I smirk at each other then back at Kaneki.

ੈ✩‧₊˚Hide's POV

Thank God. I hope she distracts Kaneki from (Y/N) for a bit. I hope it's not some dumb phase. I wish (Y/N) and I were dating...she has such cute thighs. I'm the luckiest guy to be best friends with her.

ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

Hide chuckled once more and reached over to Kaneki resting his hand on his shoulder and looked right at him and just casually says "I see. Give up. You've got no chance. Let's talk about something else."

"Hide be nice to Kaneki! I think he can! I think Kaneki has a chance!" I smiled back over to Kaneki. As Kaneki just put Hide's words aside, he kept staring at the woman. Soon enough our drinks were brought out. I scroll through my phone not worried to much about their conversation now. Soon enough Hide had to leave. Before he left, we walked by Touka and said goodbye to her...I felt a little bad for her having to put up with a character like Hide. I waved goodbye to Hide as he walked out for work. And now I sat with Kaneki.

"So.? Why her...?" I questioned quietly to Kaneki.

"I didn't get the chance to tell Hide...but it's not about her looks alone. Rather because we both read..." Kaneki confessed quietly. I thought that was cute!

"I see! You definitely got a chance with her!" I cheered him on and saw him grab out his book, coincidentally that woman had the same one. I chuckled to myself and grabbed my stuff.

"It's best if I'm on my way now! Bye Kaneki~! Oh!" I leaned in close to Kaneki. "Good luck!" I cheered and said goodbye and gave my apologies to the poor waiter for Hide and she just laughed it off and I walked out.

As I walk home looking through the bustling streets, I'm surrounded by a sea of people, all moving with purpose. Businessmen and women in sharp suits rush home after a long day's work, while students in their uniforms chat animatedly. The constant chatter and the gentle hum of traffic fill the air, but it was mostly drowned out by the sound of my music. Music kept me going in such a world like this. I can't help but look around in large crowds and think to myself "I wonder if anyone here is a ghoul."

As the evening approaches, the city's lights start to twinkle, and Tokyo's nightlife begins to wake up. But on the other hand, I am just winding down. I reached my apartment safely and walk inside. Safe once again from the outside world.

"Amidst the noise, seek the quietude within."

Peace and Tranquility (Various!Tokyo ghoul x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now