✧. ┊Chapter 0.5: Who is (Y/N).?

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(Oh wow! A y/n without a Batman backstory.!? WHAT!!? Impossible-)
Anyways here is only a briefing about yourself! You get to figure out who you truly are as the story progresses!


˚(Y/N)'s POV..?


"A girl like her would never survive in a life with such a monster...a dangerous mother."

"A father like that.? I'd be mortified to sleep at night."
Nothing I hadn't heard before...Daughter of a powerful One-Eyed Ghoul. And a high-class investigator.? I don't have a double life...I got to cover three different lives. Don't get me wrong I love my parents! They are so cool! And strong...another note how am I related to them.!?
I'm feel like I'm weaker then most...

I'm (Y/n)! Just another average human who wants nothing but a plain simple boring life. I am from {Country of Origin} and moved to Tokyo when I was young due to my father's Job we got moved and stationed here. I may have two strong and cool parents...and people who know them would think "Wow! Their daughter must be so powerful and strong!"

...Yeah, I wish I was.

Anyways right now things are just as I want. I finally live on my own! I'm in college and I'm not the most popular. (Little do I know-). But I do have two cool best friends! Hideyoshi Nagachika! Who typically goes by "Hide" and our other best friend Ken Kaneki! I met both of them when I was younger, I was transferred and out in their class and was reading, and Hide noticed I was reading the same book as Kaneki. So Hide dragged himself and Kaneki to talk to me and we have been inseparable ever since. I'm currently studying {Your Choice} at Kamii. Everything is exactly how I want it. Nothing big. Nothing exciting. It's perfect.

I don't wish to get deeply involved into the CCG, it's just not for me. I'm obviously just a regular human. I'm not the strongest, but I'll take whatever intelligence I have!

...But lately I've been noticing a lot more guys have been trying to "get me". I Don't why so many guys "want me." I just want to be left alone...I also don't really like being alone. Oh well, it does feed into my ego. So, I guess it's okay!


Name: (Y/N) -*Classified*-
Age: 19
Quiet Girl. Nothing more. Nothing less.


"They say nothing is impossible. But I do nothing every day."

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