✧. ┊Chapter 3: A New Dawn

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*ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

✧˚ · . No warnings!

Kaneki did it. He actually managed to score himself a date with the nice-looking woman. I'll be honest something about her definitely felt. Eh... But whatever I was proud of Kaneki. He did good. Right now, Hide, Kaneki, and I were sitting outside at a table together. Hide and Kaneki per usual have their small talk. I'm scrolling through my phone like usual just casually listening in and dropping in every once in a while.

"...Her name is Kamishiro Rize..." Kaneki was gawking over the girl. He kept rambling about her, it's clear that Kaneki is a little worked up over the idea of going on a date and Hide and I sigh.

"You'll be fine Kaneki relax!" I pat Kaneki's shoulder and give him a friendly smile. "So, you said it was tomorrow, correct?" Kaneki nodded. "You'll be alright man!"

"Anyways I got to head out see ya guys!" Hide said as he stood up. "Oh! Good luck on the date Kaneki!" Kaneki and I said our goodbyes and waved. I looked at Kaneki.

"I'm sure everything will be fine tomorrow alright! Well, it's getting late I better head out as well!" I stand up. Something definitely was bearing some weight on my shoulders, but I couldn't figure out why? Since I could figure out why it was dragging me down even more. Whatever...something inside me told me to-

"See you later Kaneki!" I turned and gave him a friendly hug. Kaneki smiled from the kind gesture.
"Be safe! And don't do anything stupid!" I chuckled and waved to him as I began to walk home. I put my headphones back on...I still had no idea where the sudden weight on my shoulders was coming from. Did it have to do with Kaneki? Probably not. Oh well.

*ੈ✩‧₊˚Kaneki's POV

I was a bit surprised from (Y/N)'s sudden hug. But it seemed to have calm some anxiety about tomorrow away. But. Even though I was excited to see Rize. I still held onto the longing of (Y/N). I just...she means so much to me. But I don't think she'll ever see me the way I see her. I'm beyond lucky to even be as close as I am to her. I watch as she walked away. She truly looked great no matter what. If Rize doesn't work out, I hope one day we can be closer. (Y/N). ♡

*ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

Another day. Nothing too eventful happened. I finally reach my own place and sigh in relief. I go through with my usual nightly routine and decide to get some work done. Somehow thinking maybe, it would distract my mind. Eventually getting tired. I happily called it a night.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Skip to the following Morning ༉‧₊˚.

I woke up. Stretch. Rub my eyes. Check my phone. Nothing. It was a day where I had nothing to do. Nothing to worry about. And nowhere I had to be. Perfect. I had the whole day to myself. The way I liked it. Not that I'd mind hanging out and spending it with Kaneki. Or Hide! They are the best! But Kaneki had his little date today...hm. something about today still felt quite off...eh.

I go on with what I usually do at home. Watch TV, play games, read a little, get some work done. And of course, the most important thing, stuffing my face with whatever I had in my fridge and pantry.

With a whole day of nothing, it did pass by fast. I wonder how Kaneki's date is going, or has gone. Haven't heard anything from him since this morning.

(Yeah, his "date"...Not great that's for sure. lol)

He's probably fine. I wonder where the weight from my shoulders went. It's gone now...? Perhaps I should check up on Kaneki. I shoot him a quick text to ask him how things are going.

An hour goes by without a response. Weird Kaneki usually responds within seconds. A few minutes at the latest. Strange.

I'm getting ready for bed and still being to worry. Nothing. I reach out to Hide, and Kaneki isn't getting back to Him either. Okay something is definitely...off. Because it was now almost 11 at night. There is no way in hell he's still on that date.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Skip to the following Morning ༉‧₊˚.

Woke up...heavy feeling of anxiety over me? Why? I grab my phone and see spam texts from Hide.!? What could he possibly-

"Kaneki is in the hospital."

My heart sank. You know the feeling of your body feeling light but yet so heavy all at once? And the ringing in your ears seem a little too loud for your liking? Yeah, that's exactly what I felt right now.
I grabbed my phone and tried calling Hide. I rush to my living room and turn my TV on. A Doctor under fire over a transplant surgery...? Hide finally picks up. Oh! thank God.

"Hide!? What the hell happened to Kaneki!? Is he okay-!?" My voices sounded very panicked. Kaneki was my best friend how could I not be worried about him. Hide just assured me that Kaneki is alright. He was in an accident and asked if I had seen the doctor under fire from the press right now. I said I have, Hide mentions that's Kaneki's doctor and that Kaneki had emergency surgery. Anything Hide told me honestly scared me. But what confused me more was that Hide tried to visit him and he was told Kaneki doesn't want any visitors?! That's strange.


But whatever. Hide and I just went with it. For the next few days Hide and I hung out a lot. Hide brought me with him to keep him company while he ran errands. He even introduced me to someone as well.

"When things change inside you, things change around you."

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