✧. ┊Chapter 4: The Call to adventure.

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ੈ✩‧₊˚Kaneki's POV

✧˚ · . No warnings!

I am not myself. I am not the me I knew. Dr. Kano had performed surgery on me after that night with Rize. One of her organs were transplanted inside of me. As I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, the scar remained along my side to prove my conscious that everything that has happened recently was real. I'm the past days nothing I ate had tasted good. At all. But even stranger...I didn't really feel all that hungry.

ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

Meanwhile, Hide and I still couldn't reach Kaneki, we couldn't visit him either. It was so weird for Kaneki to act like this. But Hide and I shrugged it off, because all we did know was at least he was okay. As these days went by Hide brought me along sometimes to go see an upperclassman named "Nishio Nishiki" but he asked if I would refer to him as "Nishio-Senpai". I guess he just likes having the upper ground, I guess. Anytime I was around him something felt iffy about him. But he was nice to me, so I just played it off.
Hide once again tried to call Kaneki...nothing I continued moving some stuff around for Nishiki-Senpai, he told us to look for something.

"Worried about your friend again Nagachika?" Nishio questioned from his desk.
"Yeah, he got discharged from the hospital, but (Y/N) and I both still can't get ahold of him. We've both tried to see him as well, but the hospital said he didn't want visitors." Hide sighed at the end of his response.

"Hm... seems kind of rude if you ask me. I'd stop talking to him if I we y'all." Nishio responds.

"Kaneki has been (Y/N)'s and I have best friend since we were kids!" Hide replies as he digs through another box and moves it elsewhere.

"Well, that isn't that cute." Nishio just laughs. He stops typing at his computer and stands up and walks close to me and grabs something. As he does, he turns and smiles to me as he goes to sit back down. But Nishio was always like that around me. Hide would always complain about his snarky hot-headed attitude but anytime I'd come around Hide tells me he acts little more kept to himself? Weird but oh well I wasn't going to question it.

* ˚ ✦A few days later✧˚ · .

Another day at Kamii...it was so boring around here without Kaneki, right now I'm sat with Hide and a couple of other guys as they discuss something, but I paid no mind or attention...also the two guys seemed friendly and nice and they both were but, like most guys I felt a little. Uncomfortable. So, I just sat very close to Hide.

Suddenly I spot a familiar face in the distance and my face lit up, I nudge Hide and we see the raven hair boy walking alone, Hide pretty much jumped out of his chair and ran after him. It was Kaneki!

I sighed in relief and laughed to myself as I slowly "ran" behind Hide, Hide jumped at Kaneki.

"KANEKI DONT YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HAD (Y/N) AND I WORRIED! WHERE WERE YOU!? DONT YOU KNOW HOW LONELY MY ASIAN HISTORY CLASSES ARE WITHOUT YOU!" Hide shouted and scolded Kaneki while he shook him. I laughed at Hide actions and smiled at Kaneki. Oh? An eye patch that's new?

"Hm? Kaneki what's with the eyepatch? What are you a pirate?" I teased jokingly to Kaneki and Hide snickered at my comment.

Hide then started blabbering to Kaneki about who knows what, once Hide starts it's like he never stops. But soon enough Hide looked at Kaneki suspicious for a second then smiled.

"Hey Kaneki, you want to come with (Y/N) and I to go grab a DVD of last year's festival?" Hide asked and Kaneki responded with a nod.

We started walking back to Nishio's office space making small talk, then walking together in comfortable silence. I walk besides Kaneki to keep him company and Hide walked ahead of us. Suddenly in the mist of the silence.

"Hey Kaneki? You eating properly?" Hide asks out of the blue suddenly Kaneki looked nervously and jumped at the sudden question. "You're looking a little pale, you should be eating better so you don't get sick again!"

We continued walking to Nishio's office and we reach the door and Hide opened it. A woman was in there? She got startled and ran out quickly.

"Oops..um sorry about that!" Hide laughed nervously.

"Nagachika. You know I don't like having my territory violated." Nishio started to scold after Hide for barging in. Suddenly, Kaneki gasp and stepped behind me.

"Kaneki what are you doing?" I asked. Kaneki just laughed it off nervously. I reached over and grab his arm to calm down Kaneki. But Kaneki still looks like he saw a ghost.

Nishio gets up and smiles as he walked over to him.
"Well. Kaneki. I'm a sophomore with the pharmaceutical department. The name's Nishiki Nishio..." He knelt close to Kaneki.
"Nice to meet you. Kaneki."

Nishio scoff to himself as he turned around. "You need some files Nagachika? Hold on."

"Um actually I wanted to take a look at last year's festival.!" Hide asked Nishio.

Nishio nodded and look for a second. "Hmm. It's not here can you look over there Nagachika? It should be inside of a green case." Hide nodded to Nishio and then Nishio asked Kaneki to assist in look over on the other side of the room. Nishio asked me to help him look through his drawers.

Not before long we struck no luck. "It's not here. Do you really need it Nagachika?" Nishio turned to Hide. "Yeah...If possible." Hide responded. Nishio thinks to himself for a second.

"Ah I must have taken that disc home. (Thats right...)" Nisho Sighed.

"What?! Seriously!?" Hide seemed disappointed. "Yeah, sorry Nagachika, I know. Hey but why don't you come with me to go get it?" I turn my head up at Nishio. interesting...

"Huh?! your place? Hide seemed surprised. "Yeah hey (Y/N)? Why don't you join us, as well!" Nishio looked down at me and smiled.

I thought about it. Well, I don't have anything better to do. "Um...Alright." I nodded as I got up. Then Hide turned to Kaneki and apologized.

"So how far is your place Nishio-Senpai?" I asked.

"It's a bit of a walk from here, but it's not that far." Nishio started grabbing some of his stuff. I also turn to Kaneki and Kaneki seemed to be deep in thought. he still looked quite...nervous. I walked to Kaneki's side and gently nudged him.

"Hey Kaneki? You okay?" I game Kaneki a friendly smile. He just gave me a small smile. Then Kaneki looked forward to Nishio. "Mind if I tag along?" Kaneki asked. Hide and I were surprised and a little confused?

"You sure Kaneki? (Nishio and I like to tell dirty jokes. heh.)" Hide joked. then Nishio suddenly chimed in. "Eh. oh well what's the harm. It's not like I'll let him in anyways. Nishio was questioning Hide, but Hide just shrugged him off. Then Nishio had to take a phone call. Hide moved over to Kaneki and put his arm over Kaneki's shoulder. They were talking about something as usual. I could see Kaneki think a lot to himself as he glanced around Nishio's room.

Nishio finished his phone call and turned to us and smiled and said "Alright, let's go."


"And life went on. It wasn't the same. But it went on."

*{Author's note!}
A/n: Nishio and Kimi aren't together, but they are close friends! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧.!!

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